Thursday 15 August 2024

A beautiful card by Karen


Good Morning Ladies, 

We had a very wet and gloomy day yesterday,  I was relieved it wasn't too hot though as the girls wanted to go to Costco,  I can't do 2 busy days in a row so wasn't keen on the idea,  thankfully it wasn't too bad, thank heavens for my wheelchair!  It's always a fun day out with those too, I was nodding off in the car on the way home though.   The busy days continue today with Bladder Clinic this morning and Soph's hairdresser appointment this afternoon.

Lilian I was sorry to read your sad and frustrating news on yesterday's blog,  it's not going to be much comfort for you but I will say it anyway,  after I had the botched surgery on my hip we were going back and forth to hospital to try and get answers and find out how they were going to put things right, it went on for months , I never once got to see the consultant that messed up my life, he was clearly too cowardly!! Anyway my mental health was rock bottom and I was literally questioning my existence,  I felt there was no point, i was nothing but a burden.  Well my GP ended up calling my consultant to find out the situation and what his plans were to put things right.  His response was that there was nothing they could do, having two huge pelvic reconstructions within 6 weeks and then fighting to get the stem out of my femur and hammering a second stem in 6 weeks (3 stems in total) had severely weakened the bones in my pelvis and femur.  So it was way too risky to do anything more.  GP was furious that they had been fobbing me off for months.  She just said "as hard as it is to hear, this is as good as you will be, as you go on the site of surgeries will deteriorate (which has definitely happened), so try and adjust your mindset into thinking 'just make the best of life while you can", she was sympathetic and explained what would likely happen.  But trying to accept that living with chronic debilitating pain every day was going to be the best my life can get was incredibly hard, it still makes me cry today.  When you are told that devastating news it just haunts you daily but it kind of does get easier to live with, you already know what your limits are as far as what you can manage.  Just take one day at a time, embrace life on the easier days and make the most of it.                Sending you a huge hug xxx

Today's beautiful card is one that Karen's latest makes,  its for a friends 70th Birthday,  the image of the roses is so pretty it looks like you could reach out and touch them, the colours are so soft too.  I bet she absolutely loved it.                                              Thank you so much for allowing me to share it today XXX

I hope that you all have a lovely day 

Love and hugs to all 

Sandra xxx


  1. Thank you Sandra This is an image from a MCS kit The image is already in 3 parts but I cut it into 3?to be able to mat and layer it We bought this friend a rose for their garden and coincidentally I managed to take the opacity down to match the colour of the Margaret Merrill rose we bought
    I hope you can grab some rest before your appointment later
    Sorry to hear your news Lilian Take care xx
    Got a bowls match later
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hello, dull ,dry now a little rain this morning.

    Karen lovely card, great that you were able to make the colour match the real rose. Is MCS my craft studio? Bought it many years ago but never did much with it.
    I’ve been struggling with the technique you showed us on Saturday, the colours come out love, but the black always smudges, will try again tomorrow with different ink, I’m sure it’s something I’m doing wrong, determined to do one for the weekend.

    Sandra hope your bladder clinic went well this morning.

    Enjoy the rest of the day, Lilan

  3. Hi everyone
    A lovely card Karen, the image is beautiful 😍
    Hope you’re managing to rest a bit this afternoon Sandra 😘
    Lilian, so sorry to hear your news. Take it easy and one day at a time 🥰 xx
    Back to work today, and it was very busy! It now doesn’t feel like I’ve just had some time off 😕
    Hope you’re all having a good day
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card from our Karen, the roses are gorgeous 🥰 have fun playing bowl. Not so hot today but very windy.
    Brenda, an expensive trip to the eye doctor for both of us it seems. Just hoping they make mine right this time. I'm wearing varifocal and last time they had done the near site bit in the wrong place 😕
    Lilian, whenever you want to talk we are here for you. One day at the time is all we can do , take care x
    Met up with some friends and neighbours in town for lunch and a catch up which was nice. I stayed on for some shopping and then took taxi back. Was a bit surprised tho that he didn't take card to pay for the fare so luckily OH was at home so could get the money to pay.
    Hoping you had a good day today. Oh yes I tried to do the embossing with colours and then black on EF, it came out awful 😂 might try again tomorrow 🤭 . Many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all looking in.
    Karen, what a beautiful card. The rose is fabulous and I’m sure your friend was delighted with both the real one and the paper one xx
    Sandra it’s good to hear you had a good lunch and catch up with Sonia and Becca and extra time with Lucy. I’m sure you and Paul are flat out ticking jobs off. I hope that clinic went well today and Soph is happy with her hair. Fingers crossed I see you for an hour or two xx
    I had another day of sitting on the phone. Managed to get a bit more of Pops bank and my LPoA sorted but still was given conflicting help(!!!) from different ladies five minutes apart and from the same department! Sleep well. Take care. Love Sue xx

  6. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Karen what a beautiful card I know your friend will really love it.
    Lilian thinking of you, as other ladies have said just take life one day at a time, take care and stay strong.
    Sandra I can imagine what fun you had going to Costco with the girls, probably better than any tonic.
    Sleep well everyone, love Brenda xxx
