Good Saturday Morning Ladies,
I am looking forward to a day of doing nothing today, nowhere to go, no prodding and poking or examining, which sounds like heaven!
I am delighted to update you that I had a whole night sleep, no getting to loo 4 or 5 times a night. I am just keeping my fingers and toes crossed that it wasn't a fluke or coincidence that I didn't have to get up, I was so exhausted to the point that Paul had to wake me at midnight to take my tablets! Let's hope it lasts, the lovely lady did tell me to 'manage my expectations'! I will keep you updated 😊
Sue has kindly shared this cute card that she made for a family friend .......
Sue's Description:
This is for a dear friend who is a retired vicar. She has a great sense of humour and Chris was teasing her one day saying that she looked like a penguin in her vestments and ever since she has been known as Pengie.
Those penguins are so cute and the camera film die cuts are the perfect background for them, it looks as though the penguin is posing for the camera! 🤣 I bet it bought a smile to your friends face, I mean how could you not smile at such cuteness!
Thanks so much for sharing your card with us Sue, I have saved your other card for Mondsy as its an 'Aperture' card and perfect for the challenge.
A little look at our garden.....
These are at the front of the house, the geraniums in the pots have survived from last years pots, I put them to bed in the greenhouse in October hoping they would last and I was delighted when I saw new leaves appearing, geraniums remind me of my Nana, both the look and the smell, she had them indoors and out. The pretty daisy flower in the centre pot is a plant called 'Erigoron' we saw them at Burford garden centre (which is priced for the rich and famous 🤣🙄) they had them in all of the planters at the front of the garden centre, so I googled to find out what they were, they look like something you would see in sand dunes on the coast, the are good ground cover plants, so I ordered some more for the rocky borders.

How perfect is my first Dahlia? Omg I absolutely love it, it is just so beautiful, it amazes me how these stunning flowers come to be, it looks like it has been meticulously designed, the colour is divine too, I bought 6 bulbs or tubers that all colour coordinate but the others aren't near blooming yet, I am patiently waiting, my first place to visit in the, morning is to see if they have bloomed.
This is another new venture this year,inspired by Lyn next door, they are climbing petunias, I had to order them online, I really had to search too, these are a beautiful pink, they need support from the very bottom though as the don't put out the little tendrils that climbers usually have, I have them in that big tub centre back in first photo too with my sweet peas, I can't wait to see them established.
This beautiful rambling rose is called 'The Fairy' I believe, it has thousands of little roses all over it, it was still flowering when we moved in last September too.
This beautifully fragranced rose grows up the front of the deck. It like all the roses needed some 'tlc' when we moved in as the previous people weren't interested in the garden at all.
These are all the roses in the large stoney border on the left hand side as you look up at the house from the garden, there are 6 different roses, some of which have the most incredible fragrance. The large pink rose is enormous almost size of a dinner plate!
In the last picture is a plant that has only just flowered it's called American Cranesbill or Geranium Psilostemon. Such a lovely surprise, it definitely pats to wait a year in a new garden to see what appears!
Thank you for walking in the garden with me xx
I hope that you all have a lovely day,
Love and hugs to all of you,
Sandra xxxxxx