Tuesday 25 June 2024

My first card for the new sketch


Good Morning my lovelies, 

I am sat here with fingers crossed that today isn't as humid as yesterday,  I had a shower to try and cool of yesterday and was hot & sticky again within minutes!  

Today's card is my first attempt at the new sketch,  thankfully this one is a lot easier to work with, you have a lot more options, quite a simple layout too, I used some of my very old My Mind’s Eye papers, inspired by Sonia using some the other day,  I think we all need a memory boost to get us to use the stash we have hidden in cupboards!  

I hope that you all have a good day, 

Love & Hugs to all, 

Sandra xxx


  1. Hi Sandra and all looking in today. I love today’s card, so pretty. The papers are so pretty. They are just as fresh now as they were when you first got them. We all have beautiful papers tucked away don’t we that we should get out and enjoy using xx
    It is going to be another hot day so keep your fluids up everyone. We are taking a friend out for a catch up at our local garden centre cafe that she loves. Then it will be home to try and stay cool. Take care. Love Sue xx

  2. Lovely card Sandra They are such pretty papers and haven’t dated at all
    It is sooo hot isn’t it I hope you’re getting some too Lilian I wouldn’t have it any other way BUT it doesn’t like me - prickly heat etc It mucks my diabetes control up too
    I am going to repeat a card I made yesterday which I forgot to photograph before I posted it!
    Then I will try and find a cool(er) shady spot in the garden to hide in
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    A beautiful card and I love those papers 😍
    Too hot to be doing much after work, fortunately our living room stays quite cool so I’m just sitting here relaxing.
    Enjoy the rest of the day
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card and pretty paper used. I hope you have a good day everyone and it gets sunnier in the south for you too Lilian.
    No crafting for me today. Sat in the sunshine and read for a while this morning before it got around properly and got too hot, after a hour I went in and sat on the sofa and soon was fast asleep again 🤭 Tonight will be an easy dinner .
    Many hugs to you all, Maria xx

  5. Hello, hooray we have sun at last, very hot but a little breeze as well, it the first sunny day we have had for about 2 months.

    Sandra great card, good way to use up all the lovely papers, now I need to find a way to use up my bits of fabric.

    Hope you are all keeping well, there is a nasty stomach bug going around down here.

    Going to watch some tennis if it’s on, ( Eastbourne). Hoping it’s on iPlayer.

    Have a good evening, might go outside when it’s cooled down. Lilian
