Friday 14 June 2024

A new Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Yay!! It's the weekend, I must confess with Paul's work load being a lot busier than usual  he's had more days in the office,  I honestly thought that yesterday was Friday, I also went out with Becca to get our nails done and then we went with Soph to get something nice for lunch, I really do enjoy spending time with my girls.😍

I thought we'd do a Sketch for our next challenge, they do make deciding on a card layout easier.        Remember you don't have to follow every detail of the above sketch,  it's just a guideline.  The torn notebook edge could just be a torn edge, or a fancy die cut border for example. 

I am really looking forward to seeing what you all come up with.  It's a great sketch for using pretty papers too. 

I hope that you all have a great Friday, 

Love and hugs to all of you 

Sandra xxx


  1. Great idea for a challenge Makes a nice change I do struggle with layouts
    Glad you had a great day with Becca and Sophie
    Our builder is coming today to finalise details of the new bathroom! And the footie starts tonight so I can disappear to my craft room without feeling guilty!
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Great challenge and I love the sketch. I’m hoping I’ll be able to do some crafting on my days off next week. Work is so busy at the moment with people off and I’m doing lots of overtime!
    Glad you had a lovely day yesterday with Becca and Sophie too - quality time with our loved ones is the best 🥰
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hi Sandra and all looking in tonight.
    Glad you had a lovely time with Becca and Soph. It was great to see you today, it’s been so long. The garden is coming along so well. You and Paul have been so busy with it all. I love the gorgeous scents from the different roses, they are all beautiful. I forgot to say to wish Becca a Happy a birthday for me please. She will love your card it is just perfect for her xx
    Apart from seeing you I haven’t done much else apart from a nap for an hour then Gem and I had a good chat as we haven’t seen much of each other this week.
    Have a good night everyone. Take care. Love Sue xx

  4. Hi everyone, very cold here, and heavy showers.

    Good challenge for next week, will try and stick to it. Haven’t started this weeks yet, but I have an idea what I’m going to do.

    Sandra glad you had a good day with the girls, luck you, I really miss going shopping with my daughter.
    Time for bed I think, at least it’s warm in bed. Lilian
