Saturday 15 June 2024

Mixed Up Saturday


Wishing our beautiful Becca 
🎈🎉 A Happy 30th Birthday 🎈🎉

Good Saturday Morning Ladies, 

We had a stormy start to the weekend with some thunder & lightning last night,  hopefully its going to clear the air for the weekend.  

I can hardly believe that our Becca is 30 today!!  It barely seems a year or two that she was at ballet lessons at the age of four!   We couldn't be more proud of the amazing, confident & beautiful young Lady that she is today 🥰😍

I have shared the card that I made for her Birthday,  I really enjoyed getting my box of flowers out again,  I haven't used them in a year or two!  Of course I had to make a box to put it in!  I hope that she likes it. 

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend  

Love and hugs to all,

Sandra xxx


  1. Hi everyone
    Happy 30th Birthday to Becca 😊🎂🥂 xx I hope she has a wonderful day 😊 xx
    I love the quote, it’s so true 🥰
    Your card is absolutely stunning and Becca will love it.
    Off to work in a bit, more overtime!
    Have a good day everyone whatever you’re doing
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Hi Sandra and all looking today.
    Wishing Becca a very happy birthday. I saw her card yesterday and it is gorgeous, pink with sparkles just perfect for her. I always love seeing your floral creations. It was so good to catch up yesterday my lovely xx
    We didn’t have a thunder storm just lots of rain which is still on and off now. Thank goodness it’s not so chilly today. I’m hoping to get a couple of cards made for Roz, our lovely daughter in law as it’s her birthday on Monday and one for Chris for our 38th wedding anniversary on the 21st. Have a good weekend. Take care. Love Sue xx

  3. I love that saying and sometimes it’s a hard lesson to learn
    I love your card for Becca and Happy Birthday Becca I know you will have an amazing time
    At the moment we have sunshine Fingers crossed I hope it stays that way because we are playing in a bowls match this afternoon
    I hope to finish a couple of cards this morning
    Take care everyone xx

  4. Hi everyone
    Happy Birthday Rebecca 🎉 🎁💐
    Have a wonderful day 😊
    The card you have made for her is stunning, she will love it.
    Quote is so true 😀
    Nothing planned today, the weather is not nice so don't fancy going out anywhere so guess some crafting and reading perhaps.
    Have a good day everyone and enjoy the weekend whatever you are doing.
    Many hugs to you all, Maria xx

  5. Hello All, wet and windy here, still quite cold.

    Lovely card for Becca, hope you all have a lovely birthday with you family.

    Been watching Trooping the colour, love all ceremony with the royal family and the military.

    Just finished my card for this week, so now have to think about next weeks.

    Have a good day whatever you are doing. Lilian

  6. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Happy Birthday Becca. xxx
    Love the quote, it is very true.
    What a beautiful card you made for Becca’s birthday, I’m sure she absolutely loved it. The photo of your three daughters is lovely, thank you for sharing it with us.
    Not been a very good day weather wise, did a few jobs around the house, bet spent most of the day reading. Hope tomorrow will be brighter, we are spending it with our daughters and their families.
    Hope you all a lovely day.
    Big hugs, love Brenda xxx
