Sunday 30 June 2024

Your Sketch Challenge cards


Good Sunday Morning Ladies,  

I hope that you all had an enjoyable day in the sun yesterday, Paul got busy in the garden, mowing the lawn and chipping up some big branches that he pruned.  I stayed out of the sun on the deck, I spent the afternoon repotting some very neglected house plants, how they survived is anyone's guess,  you watch now that they all have new pots and fresh soil they will probably curl up and die!!  Our Aloe Vera plant I ended up splitting into 5, Peace Lily into 3 and the Kalanchoe or 'Neverdie' plant had got really leggy so I have taken lots of cuttings and fingers crossed we'll get some new babies. 

Not sure what's planned for today,  hopefully it involves relaxing 🤣!  What are you all up to today?

Your Sketch Challenge cards 


Karen's Description:

Here’s a challenge card I hope it’s not too far from the diagram.
An old Woodware stamp with a Clarity patterned paper and the sentiment is from a magazine 

Karen wasn't happy with the original version of this card as it had a smudge, so it was bound for the bin!.......
But then Karen had a brainwave and rescued it !.....

I rescued the card out of the bin and used a couple of white “spotlights” that I rescued from a previous stamping where I’d tried to do the mask technique.

I am so pleased that it got a second chance Karen,  what made you think of going for spotlight to rescue it?  Absolutely genius idea,  one that we could all use, so worth remembering 💡 

Thank you so much for taking part in this weeks challenge XXX 


Maria's Description:

2 cards for Sunday.
Thought it was time to start slowly on the Xmas cards too 🤭

Maria you are so right, I did one last week,  there are 25 weeks until Christmas or 179 days !!                I don't make nearly as many as I used to but still like a special one for you my lovely friends. 😍 
I love both of your cards,  the floral one with the little bird is so pretty.  
I love that adorable gnome/ santa, that sentiment is lovely too. 
Thank you so much for taking part my lovely XXX 

I hope that you all have an enjoyable Sunday, 

Love & hugs to all of you,



  1. Good morning I have woken up to some much needed rain!
    Lovely cards Maria and Sandra I need to do a few Christmas cards I don’t send as many these days but I still prefer to make them OH would have a hissy fit if I bought cards!
    There were 2 smudges at the bottom of my card They were too low down that I felt I couldn’t use a butterfly! I added a third spotlight to balance it - rule of three…
    I will definitely keep in in mind for other projects that I muck up!
    We had a wonderful time with Bella and some Salsa family It was great to just sit and chat - normally we’d be dancing and you can’t really chat over the music
    I hope to make a card today before the mayhem of the builders tomorrow
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Good save Karen, your card is lovely.
    Not doing much today other then some deadheading some pot plants around the patio and feeding the neighbours cat. It is a bit of overcast but still very warm so might sit outside and read a bit. Have got in to reading books again, haven't done that for a while.
    Have a nice Sunday everyone and a big hug for you all xx

  3. Hi Sandra and all looking in today. Beautiful challenge cards. I couldn’t get to make one this week. Been busy with Pop a lot at the moment.
    Sandra, wonderful news for one nights full sleep. It doesn’t sound much to most people but when was the last time you managed that? I know it was definitely before we met. I hope you have many more. It’s amazing how much all of the gorgeous flowers have grown in just a couple of weeks since we walked around the garden. It smells absolutely divine as you walk out onto the decking, shame we haven’t got smelly vision here 😄 xx
    I hope you all have a good day. Take care. Love Sue xx

  4. Hello, everyone, cloudy but warm here.

    Having a lovely weekend with daughter and son in law, it’s lovely to see them if only. For a couple of days.

    Very clever card Karen, great way to cover up smudges, I’m always making those usually bin them, but I’ll try this idea next time.

    Hope you are all having a lovely weekend, Lilian

  5. Hi everyone
    Love your cards ladies, and Karen a fabulous idea to hide the smudges ☺️
    Your flowers look lovely Sandra, and I’m sure the repotted ones will survive ☺️
    We spent a few hours with James, Mollie and Teddy this afternoon. We went down after I’d finished work. We drove down in the rain, but it brightened up and turned out really hot in the sun.
    Lilian, I hope you’ve had a lovely weekend with your family.
    Hope you all had a good weekend
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  6. Love your cards ladies, you are all so inspiring. xxx
    This afternoon we popped over to our daughter in Surrey, her baby (!!!) Ciara will be 18 this week, but she is going on holiday on Tuesday so it was a chance to see her before she goes away. She will be with six school friends and they are meeting up with another group of eight girls all from the same school year.
    Hope that you have had a lovely day.
    Looking forward to hearing what you have been doing.
    Take care, love Brenda xxx
