Tuesday 8 October 2024

Pop Up Tent Fold card 2


Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you are all ok, looks like the miserable weather has returned 😔!  I would much rather watch the Autumn leaves blowing about in the garden.  It's fun to watch the cats react to them too.   Paul pulled the last of the corn 🌽 plants up and weeded the bed ready to be covered for the winter,  while he was pulling the plants and weeds he kept finding conkers, they were buried a good 6 inches down too, under the corn plants,  we have seen that the squirrels have been bringing conkers into the garden and using the top of Paul's large composter as a table to break open the conker shells and then they must be hiding the them in the veg beds for winter, I wonder how they remember where they left them?!  My worry is that they will go uprooting new crops looking for their hidden bounty! 

Now onto todays card, I thought I would make a version using the Simply Cards & Papercraft  magazine free papers.  I thought I would give you the basic sizes in Centimetres for those of you that prefer it.
So the Base card :  10.5 X 29.8 cm 
             Score at   :   14.9  cm

Pop up Mech       :   10 5 X 12.1cm 
           Score at     :   1.5, 3.8, 6.1, 8.3 & 10.6cm 

Floating Hinge    :    3.8 X 6.5 cm 
          Score at      :    1.9 cm 

These are the main components of the card, you can use the original instructions for making up the card.  If you need any further help please let me know.  

Doing this certainly occupied my kind for an hour or so,  knowing that it might help some of you makes me super happy 😄. 

I hope that you all have a great Tuesday,  

Love & hugs to all of you,



  1. I do like this technique and your card is lovely
    I have overslept this morning and feel a bit groggy still 🤣
    Rain, rain and more rain! So guess I will be staying in and crafting or knitting- what a shame
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi, this is my second attempt to leave a message.
    It’s been raining for two days.
    Love you card today, am about to have a good try to make one . Not great at measuring so we will see how it goes.

    Gradually getting better after yesterday, hope the results come through soon, don’t know why it takes so long , 5- 6 weeks.
    Have a good evening all. Lilian

  3. Hi everyone
    Lovely card Sandra and thank you, thank you for giving us it in centermeters as well 😊 you don't know how long I was scratching my head yesterday to get something together 🫤 🤭 it looks alright but doesn't lay down properly so will try another one tomorrow.
    It's raining here too and it doesn't look good for the next few days. Do take care if going out.
    Hoping your day has been ok. Sending many hugs to you all. Maria xx

  4. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Lovely card today, thank you so much for the instructions. xxx
    I was taken out for lunch today with ex work friends. It was a lovely treat, When I returned I sat down to talk to John and fell asleep for over an hour. Bless him he was so understanding.
    It has been a funny day weather wise, one minute it’s been beautiful sunshine then we have had heavy downpours. I believe the weather for the rest of the week will be similar.
    Hope whatever you have been doing the weather didn’t spoil your day. Sleep well dear friend, goodnight, big hygs, love Brenda xxx
