Monday 7 October 2024

My First October TicTacToe Project


Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

Well that weekend just flew by,  I found yesterday a bit of a struggle mentally,  it was a bit of an overcast day so I didn't join Paul in the garden, it's very muddy down the veg garden and very slippy so its not ideal for me.  So I thought I'd sort my very messy desk out and then sorted through my stamps, separating the Christmas ones out, I want to sort them further but not sure whether to sort into stamp Themes Flowers, sentiment,  background etc or Brand  Altenew,  Inkylicious,  Lavinia etc               How do your sort yours?   My larger collections like Tim Holtz and Aall&Create I keep separately in larger boxes.    I do find that I don't use many of my stamps because I forget they are there 'out of sight, out of mind' so to speak. 

I sat at my desk most of the day but just couldn't concentrate, I had intended getting a couple of projects done for this weeks blog posts, but that just didn't happen, my mind kept wandering to when I get my test results and what the impact could be.  So I was surprised when Paul said it was almost 5pm.  So I decided to go for a Tag (inspired by Lilian) I could then either use them as tags for gifts or create a tag journal.  

I die cut a tag out of some mixed media card, I then took a TH stencil and a tiny blending brush and coloured the poinsettias through the stencil with Distress Inks using Festive Berries and Rustic Wilderness.  I added clear embossing powder and heat set, after drying I went back and added clear embossing ink through the dots on the stencil and then added gold embossing powder, because the colours were all sealed beneath the embossing I was able to blend 'Shabby Shutters'  over the whole tag, then spritz with water and absorb with paper towel, it looked a little bare around the edges so I used another stencil to add some little fern branches.  I finished the tag with some gold gilding wax around the edges of the tag, some green seam binding ribbon and some with gold to echo the gold in the tag, I added a sentiment strip onto a piece of card and brushed the edges with a little gilding wax. 

So I used Categories:  Stencil/ shine/Tag 

I hope that you a have a good start to the week,

Love & hugs to all of you,

Sandra xxx 


  1. Your tag is beautiful I might try a tag myself
    Talk about time whizzing past it suddenly dawned on me that it will be my daughter’s first wedding anniversary in 6 days time! Last week it was like “Oh it’s miles away!”
    Will be off to Craftea in a mo The yarn for the expected twins arrived on Saturday so I have made a start on those I have realised why I’ve moved more to crochet - it’s a lot easier on the hands!
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hello all, just back from gynaecology to have my biopsy done. Very painful today,so am just sitting doing nothing, the good thing is that if they come back ok, I won’t have to have any more, apparently my uterus has returned to normal.
    Love your tag, give me ideas for mine, going to turn mine into a tag book. I have a draw full of cards, so although tags take nearly as long.
    Not much other news, bit quiet without family here. Hugs to all Lilian

  3. Hi everyone
    A gorgeous tag. Hoping that you feel better soon.
    Lilian, take it easy and hopefully the pain won't be too long.
    Not having a good day. Mojo gone and just so tired. Tried to put together a floating card, will get back to it tomorrow. Many hugs to you all. Maria xx

  4. Hello Sandra and everyone, Beautiful tag I can think of a few ways this can be used or adapted to feature on a card..
    Karen hope your Caftea was enjoyable and you made some progress with your crochet .
    Lilian I hope you are not too uncomfortable after your hospital procedure. Make sure you rest. Xxx
    Take care everyone, sleep well.
    Good night, Love Brenda xxx
