Sunday 20 October 2024

Let's look at our craft projects for this week.


Good Sunday Morning Ladies, 

We were blessed with another lovely sunny day yesterday,  we had a bit of rain early morning  but then the sun came out and stayed all day!  Travelling through the beautiful cotswold countryside to get to Cirencester feels like such  treat each week, I have to pinch myself sometimes as its like living in rural wales, the scenery is stunning,  the trees are changing by the week which is lovely to watch.  Sadly we aren't so lucky today,  we have rain all day !                                          I am relieved to report that 'mother nature' has given me a break, although annoyingly I don't know whether it naturally stopped or whether its because I have taken medication suggested by the GP.  I am just relieved its stopped (for now)!  

Let's see what Karen & Lilian created this week...


Lilian's Description:

Hi, here is my card for this week, or should I say tag.

Categories I used were flowers , stamping, tag.

Tim Holtz wall stencil, with crackle paste, which this time has worked, but you can’t see much of it.
Not sure where the stamp came from, it’s a clear stamp, came across it while I was searching for some other floral stamps, too fiddly to cut so mounted on another piece of card. Butterflies are some ephemera that I coloured over. Hope it’s ok . 

Oh Lilian your Tag is so much more than 'ok' its amazing,  the amount of work that you have put into your background is something that only other crafters would understand,  I am pleased to see that your crackle paste was so much more visible this time, it adds so much texture and interest. Those butterflies are coloured beautifully and are the perfect finishing touch to your tag.                               Thank you so much for supporting the blog each week my lovely,  I really do appreciate the work you put in XXX


Karen’s Description:

I’ve had a go at the floating topper 
The jury is still out on this one for me I used the wrong size die to create aperture therefore the tent thingy showed so I had to trim it down That meant that the folds were too big too So ended up doing a flat mechanism I should have put a tree on the aperture part as well but Hey Ho I will give it another try 
So Fancy fold - Tree or die cut - Sparkle

I really love your fun fold card, the paper you have used is lovely and works so well with the white Christmas trees,  it sounds like you had a bit of a frustration with the mechanism, however you would never guess that by looking at it.                      Its lovely and I really love your tiny sentiment.  

Thank you so much my lovely for taking time to have a go at the fun fold and for sharing it with us,  I know I say it every week but I want you to know that a truly appreciate the time and effort you put into making projects to support the blog XXX


We are off to Stamperama Bedford today, I am super organised and have prepared a list, I need some white A3 card for Sophie's portrait boxes and I need to be looking for card for Becca's wedding invitations too.  I did see that it says "Supported by Create & Craft" so I hope that doesn't change anything,  I don't ever remember seeing them at one of those shows. 

I hope that the rain doesn't hinder your Sunday plans my lovelies,  

Love and hugs to all of you, 



  1. Enjoy your day at Bedford I’ll be interested in how it went with the C&C debacle going on It’s a good idea to go with a list I get too distracted But other things do fall into my basket!
    Your tag is lovely Lilian I keep promising myself to have a go at a tag AND I will definitely try another of the fancy fold tent/aperture card thingy
    A relaxing day today doing a bit of knitting A nanna nap first!
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hello all, hope you had a lovely time at the craft show. Interesting to see if there is any talk of what’s happening to C&C. Hope you managed to find some goodies you were looking for.
    Very wet and windy here this morning, but managed to get the washing dry.
    Been sorting out dies and stamps today, have put away those I don’t want to use in the near future.
    Going to put the chicken in to roast now, Sainsbury’s have their large one back in stock , great flavour in the big ones.
    Have a lovely evening, put your feet up . Lilian

  3. Hi everyone
    I love the tag Lilian. Did you use a mask getting the crackle paste down ? Very good work.
    Well done Karen for making a floating card. It's very good.
    Forgot to say yesterday that the card you got from our Janet, it's very pretty. Glad you can do some card's Janet and going to K&N
    I managed to get to Bedford this morning yay 😊 didn't think so yesterday but... and so glad I did for had a coffee and a chat with our Sue, Sandra and Paul which was lovely. I did buy a few things so will photo them tomorrow when I have emptied the bag. No cooking dinner either for five minutes from the arena is a Toby's carvery so we are happy and stuffed now 🤭😂 Time to put our feet up and watch some TV with a cuppa. I hope that you all have had a lovely Sunday and I sending you all a big hug, Maria xx

  4. Hello Everyone,
    Sounds like you girls had a great time Bedford C & C I was with you in thought.
    Lilian and Karen I love your card and tag.
    Had a restful day today, she yesterday was a full on day, one of our grandsons came over with his new girlfriend, she was lovely and very easy to talk to, then daughter and dog came over, by the time she left it was time to start preparing dinner. Where does the time go?
    I hope everyone has had a great weekend.
    Take care everyone, love and hugs, Brenda xxx
