Saturday 19 October 2024

Mixed Up Saturday


Good Saturday Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you all managed to stay warm yesterday,  it was quite chilly here, quite a bright day though.  I wonder what today will bring??  Hopefully we will all be safe from storm Ashley! 

I heard from our Janet yesterday she is doing ok and still enjoying Knit & Natter, although isn't getting to craft as much as she used to, it was lovely to hear from her though 😊 

It made me think that I hadn't shared the gorgeous Birthday card that Janet made for me....

It is a beautiful background in soft lilac shades with a beautiful decoupaged floral arrangement in the foreground that has irises and cornflowers in amongst that pretty display,  as always with Janet the inside is equally as beautiful.   Thank you so much for such a lovely card XXX 

Next we have Sophie's entry to the Cotswold Wildlife Parks Annual Pumpkin display,  she was asked to represent the Restaurant, she picked two pumpkins,  one she turned into the cauldron by adding a piece of narrow hose around the top of the Pumpkin to create the rim of the pot.  

For the face Soph thought that the stalk of the pumpkin made a perfect old hag nose, so she turned the Pumpkin on its side and used the top to paint the face, genius!  Her mouth looks like you can actually see inside !!  Also the lines on the top of the Pumpkin made perfect wrinkles!  She has a floor mop wig to finish.  
Absolutely amazing Soph !!! 

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend, 

Love & hugs to all, 

Sandra xxx 


  1. Hi Sandra and all looking in today. Pinterest definitely has its place in my crafting as it’s my “go to” for inspiration. You are so lucky where you live now. The views are stunning and you have beautiful trees, bushes and all sorts of plants in and around your garden. I love to look out of your kitchen window each time I visit to see what has changed each time.
    Soph has made a fantastic pumpkin witch. Using that stalk as her nose is brilliant and you would think the face is a real one as she has given it such depth. Fabulous work Soph xx
    Lilian, sorry your back is hurting so much again. I hope it starts to ease up soon xx
    I must do the ironing and a few bits of housework today then maybe a bit of crafting 🤞🏼Have a good day everyone. Take care. Love Sue xx

  2. Yes - guilty I do look at Pinterest quite a bit
    The pumpkin witch is wonderful Sophie is very talented
    Just finished lunch We have our main meal at this time It means all of the clearing away is done for the afternoon but I do think it makes me more tired So I will be having a nap now
    Out tonight at the bowls club end of season party OH is unwell so I will be flying solo!
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    I'm also disappearing onto Pinterest sites and nothing else be done that day.
    Oh wow, that witch look so real 😲 well done Sophie. Great work 👍.
    I woke up with a splitting headache and an arm that was very sore and rosie cheeks. My back and right hip is also killing me so hopefully I feel better for tomorrow as I have waited for going to Stamperama for months. Taking it easy today so we have to see .
    Well done Lilian for losing all that weight 😊 I know I will be told off when I see the surgeon in November because I have not done what she told me to do. My head is not in it at all 🫤 Sue, hope you are feeling better ànd you get a quick sell of the house. Sadly step son who moved to Spain hasn't been able to sell his flat, still paying for it every month and that is tough.
    Sun is shining so I'm going to sit outside and read for a bit
    Have a good day everyone and look after yourself. Maria xxx

  4. Hello, nice sunny day, managed to walk around the garden today, glad to have some fresh air.
    Janet love your card for Sandra, similar to the lovely card you made for me, glad you are still able to do some crafting.
    Sophie your witch is amazing, you are very clever.
    Pinterest is my go to for craft ideas, must admit I spend more time looking than doing.
    Hope you feel better for tomorrow Maria.
    Enjoy the rest of the day. Lilian
