Wednesday 16 October 2024

Another new technique


Good Wednesday Morning Ladies, 

Monday & Tuesday seem to have totally flown by this week,  it doesn't seem possible that its midweek already!  The rain absolutely poured down all night, our waterbutts are all virtually overflowing!  Paul is trying to rig up some kind of contraption to move the rainwater from the water butts attached to downpipes on the house/garage to a larger water container in the veg garden!  It will be great if it works as we can store rain water for the veg plot for next year!   I will say that its worth collecting the rainwater for your house plants ours seem to be doing so much better since we switched from tap to rain water.  We started it when we bought the carnivorous plants as they need rain water.  

So yesterday afternoon I thought I 'd try 'Colour Blocking '  I masked off the edges of the card and then took some narrow washi tape and taped off a pattern,  making sure everything was well stuck down.  I then took a selection of Distress Inks and created a different blend on each side of card front.  After I had completed the blending I dried with my heat tool and then carefully picked the still taped piece up and put it in my stamp tool.  I chose a simple silhouette flower branch and stamped it randomly over the coloured card,  now I did use a large post it note to cover the areas I didn't want the stamp touching, as I did not want to mess up at this point!  I turned the stamp around each time to give a random look.  After stamping I carefully removed all the tape before adding the embossing powder, now this turned out to be frustrating as the white embossing powder stuck to everywhere the tape had been! 😔   I took a narrow paint brush and removed all of the excess powder!                            Finally I heat embossed the stamped areas and was quite pleased with the effect, by no means perfect but still a fun design.  I picked the colour that was barely visible in the background to use for the sentiment,  I stamped and embossed the "hello" then did the resist technique, using the green ink all over the embossed sentiment and then die cut and added a white scalloped mat. 

I hope that you have a happy 'hump' day, 

Love & hugs to all,

Sandra xxx


  1. Morning all.
    Not sure what happened to yesterday but we went out in the morning and then I was so tired and nothing else got done not even a visit to the café. The card yesterday is beautiful and today's card I love. You are so good at colour blending and heat embossing. I always found that so fiddly and keep getting the powder everywhere .
    Dentist this morning and then follow OH to the hospital. Hoping to do some crafting this afternoon and not falling a sleep. It's Son's birthday so hope to catch him later for a chat
    Have a good day everyone and look after yourself. Many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  2. Hi Sandra and all looking in. A beautiful watercolour piece yesterday. And the red and black splats looked like you planned every last one 🤭
    I love the colours you have used on today’s wonderful cheery card. I must make myself try new techniques.
    Dad always swears by either rain water or distilled from the air conditioning unit for all of his plants. I drive him mad by using tepid tap water for my African violets and Christmas cactus which should be renamed “all year round” cactus as it is very rarely not in flower and and a pg tip tea bag in a litre of boiling water then left to cool for all my others.
    I had my flu and Covid jabs yesterday and feel rubbish today. Hope I will feel better tomorrow as I don’t usually have much of a reaction if any. Take care. Love Sue xx

  3. Sorry late again, foggy all day here.

    Sandra love your card, you are so good with colours and blending.
    Managed to finish my tag today, although it’s small than a card it took me nearly two days.

    We have one of Rogers mates to stay tonight, he was supposed to here by ten but looks as though he will be another hour.

    Goodnight all Lilian
