Saturday 5 October 2024

Mixed Up Saturday


Good Saturday Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you are all relaxed and ready to enjoy the weekend.  We have no plans, which is probably a good thing as mentally I am all over the place.  I have to say the Surgery couldn't have been nicer yesterday,  they fitted me in for bloods straight away and as I was so anxious they must have spoken to the doctors as the one of them called me later on to ask if there was anything she could do to put my mind at ease,  she has promised to call me as soon as she can see them when she gets in on Tuesday,  even though the results are going to the consultant, she can access them.  I thought the fact that she went out of her way to call me was so thoughtful.  

To try and occupy my mind yesterday I did a quick tutorial for a fun fold card, it's a.....

Pop Up Tent Fold Card

So this is a regular 'tent' card (which is a top fold card) with a concertina at the bottom and a floating panel in the centre. 

So we start with our card base, cut your card to :      4 1/8 × 11 3/4 
Score @ 5 7/8 inch.

Next we cut the decorative panel for the card front: 3 7/8 × 5 5/8 inch 

Adhere to the front of your card 

Now open the card up and place a rectangle die in the centre of your card front.  

Now keep the piece you cut out as you will use this as the floating panel.

The pop up hinge piece :  

Cut a piece of card 4 1/8 × 4 3/4 inch

Score @  5/8, 1 1/2, 2 3/8, 3 1/4 & 4 1/8

Make sure you burnish those creases well ! 

Add adhesive 

Align the first crease with the bottom of the back panel of the card. 

Cut a piece of paper : 4 1/8 × 4 3/4 

Adhere this to the inside back panel,  it will cover where the pop up mechanism attaches to the card.

Next we make the floating hinge, cut a piece of card

1/2 × 2 inch 

Score along the short side 

Adhere the floating hinge to the top of the piece that you die cut from the card front.

To adhere the floating panel in the right place add  glue to the floating panel hinge, close the card and place the panel pack into the aperture

Like so..

Press down firmly at the top of the floating panel to make sure its stuck.  As the card opens the floating panel should stay in place. 

Add adhesive to the other side of that bottom 'pop up hinge' 

Line the crease of the first fold to the bottom of the card front.

This is how it should look 

Now comes the fun part.....

The decorating & embellishment! 

These are how it looks from different angles, it also folds flat to fit in an envelope! 

Oh and this is the back panel with space to write your sentiment. 

I hope you enjoy this fun fold Ladies x 


Maria has kindly picked another fold for me to do next time, thank you Maria  xx

I hope that you all have a good Saturday,  

Love & hugs to all of you, 

Sandra xxx


  1. Thank you for that! I 'm going to have a rummage through my dies and see what I have that would work with that design. It looked quite complicated when I first saw it, but as the first cup of tea started to hit the spot, it all became a lot clearer! I love that it's foldable too.
    Have a good Saturday yourself! I'm going back now to continue reading your blog. I'm still only on 2024, but I'm getting there! I'm finding SO much inspiration! I've been concentrating so much on my Etsy shop recently. Now I'm able to sit back a bit and do some crafting just for myself, which is a wonderful feeling.

  2. I love today’s saying I think most of us use crafting for that reason
    Your tutorial looks god I might try it later I say might because I managed to book us a flu jab yesterday and for the first time in ages I feel a bit rough but that may be due to the dodgy milk I drank last night!
    Ooh! Strictly tonight
    Have a lovely weekend everyone xx

  3. Hi Sandra and all looking in today. I love this card fold and immediately thought of a Christmas design so that is my job for this evening. I just need to covert it to metric as I have always been rubbish at the smaller imperial measurements. It’s so easy to convert these days with Alexa 🤭 I hope you have been busy in the garden with Paul or are you in your craft room? I’m sure you are trying to keep busy. It was nice of the GP to ring you wasn’t it. Thinking of you my lovely xx
    I’ve had a quiet and lazy day as me and sleep didn’t want to be friends last night!
    I hope you all have a good day. Take care. Love Sue xx

  4. Hi everyone
    Thank you Sandra for this instruction for a different fold card. It looks tricky but I will have a go at this one and the other one as soon I have some space on my desk again. Not doing very well with my tidying up today, keep finding things I need to do and also a trip to the surgery for the flu jab. Having a Covid booster booked as well, couldn't get them together today.
    Glad to hear that our Brenda is back home again. Hoping that you are alright. Take it easy.
    Lovely to see you Janet. Hope you are doing well.
    It's been a nice day but I can feel the cold so going to put some heating on and go ànd start the dinner. Hoping that you all have had a good day. Many hugs to you all, Maria xx

  5. Hello all, it is pouring down with rain again today, have put the heating on as it’s so chilly.
    Such a very true saying, I always try and craft when I’m feeling down.

    Love the new fold, will definitely have a go as I think I can make it work for my tags, which is what I am working with at the moment.

    Have a great evening everyone, Lilian

  6. Hi everyone
    Great tutorial, thank you for taking the time to do it 🥰
    So kind of the doctor to phone you yesterday.
    I worked a couple of hours this morning, then we went down to Dorset and spent a lovely few hours with James and Teddy 😍
    I hope you’ve all had a good day
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and everyone. Love the tutorial thank you for making the time to bring it to us. Your instructions are very easy to follow. Thank you xxx
    Your GP practice sounds very caring with the patients interest being a priority. We went to our GP this morning for our flu vaccine. Then later I had a community nurse call to check my INR (post hospital discharge) So the day has been eventful. Then younger daughter and her eldest daughter and dog came over to check me out. It was lovely to see them both, I’ve had a busy day.
    My family have been an absolute rock i am so proud of all of them. Yesterday grandson - the one who has Asperger’s syndrome, rang to ask could he help us in anyway shopping, cleaning, anything I felt so moved it was a beautiful gesture. On Tuesday he is going alone travelling across Europe, he has pre booked trains and youth hostels. When I think about the little boy we worried about and what the future held for him I am totally amazed and very proud of the young man he has become.
    Will say goodnight to you all, sleep well xxx
