Sunday 21 July 2024

Your Pinspiration Cards


Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

I hope that your weekend is going well,  we have a very cloudy day yesterday,  it tried to rain a couple of times but it didn't come to much.  Today is supposed to be a better day,  we have plans though,  we will probably get some garden jobs done,  well when I say 'we', I mean I will be supervising of course!  🤣😂

Let's have a look at what you have been creating this week.......


Lilian's Description:  

Hi here is my card for this week, it’s one I’ve been meaning to make for years.
It’s from Pinterest, not quite the same. The poppy stamp is an old Penny Black, that I have never used, although I had a go when I first bought it to see what it was like. The little stamp is from Lavinia stamps.

Oh Lilian,  such a beautiful card, I love the linen/cloth paper that you are painting onto, the texture is lovely 😍  
The beautiful poppy looks so striking against your lovely background.  
I am so pleased that the challenge pushed you to create the card you have been planning to make for years,  its well worth the wait, that I can reassure you.  
Thank you SO much for supporting the challenge Lilian XXX 


Maria has created a lovely Pinwheel card for this weeks challenge,  the design is one that Maria was been inspired by on Pintetest.  Its a great design for using up scraps of your favourite papers or using up your bit box. 
Thank you so Maria for supporting this weeks challenge. XXX


Karen's was inspired by some Tim Holtz designs using his Pine Tree die.  

That inky background you have made is stunning Karen, it really does look like a snowy night sky.

Thank you so much for taking part in this weeks challenge my lovely XXX 


I hope that you all have a lovely Sunday, 

Love & hugs to all of you,

Sandra xxx 


  1. Hi everyone
    Beautiful cards on display today, thank you for sharing.
    I’m hoping I’ll be back to crafting soon ☺️
    Cloudy here but still quite warm. Same as yesterday, we had a little rain but didn’t come to much! Hope you’re managing to get out in the garden.
    Have a good day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Hi everyone
    Beautiful cards. Lilian the poppy is gorgeous and Karen that sky is amazing, fabulous colours together.
    Cloudy day but no rain. Have all the windows open to air the rooms. More spots on the TV for OH so I'm going to finish off a C .art.
    Have a lovely day whatever you are doing. Sending many hugs to you all. Take care. Maria xxx

  3. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Sorry to be late AGAIN!! We have been at our daughters today, it was a family gathering for Ciara’s 18th birthday, it was lovely, everyone was there except her brother, he didn’t manage to get home he is still in Cardiff sorting out his life and what to do next completing his degree.
    Lilian, Maria and Karen your cards are lovely. XX
    Sandra I hope you managed to get out into the garden…. Well Paul managed and you were able to get out and supervise him xxx
    Next week looks like not a lot is happening. Well nothing on in the diary anyway…….Famous last words!!!
    Goodnight my lovely friends, Brenda xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all looking in.
    Beautiful cards from you all and each one so different. I have so many saved on Pinterest that would keep me going for years I think🤭 I’m hoping to get back to normal ish once Pop moved to the care home for a few weeks.
    I hope you managed to get out in the garden to organise Paul 🤣 xx
    Brenda, how lovely to see Tierney and her dog too. It is extra good when they visit just because…. isn’t it 🥰 xx
    I’ve slept most of the day again and feeling very refreshed to start a new week. Who knows how it will pan out?
    Sleep well everyone. Take care. Love Sue xx
