Monday 8 July 2024

Lilian's beautiful card


Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

Welcome to the start of  a new week, I hope that you all had a good weekend and that the rain didn't spoil your plans too much.  We were quite lucky, Saturday wasn't too bad at all, the afternoon stayed dry, Sunday was lovely to start with, especially in the sunshine, when it clouded over though you definitely needed a jacket on,  it stayed dry up until about 3.30, then the heavens opened, we were in a school lesson at the time, it was so reminiscent of the tiny village school that I went too (that has since been turned into fancy apartments).  Paul got told off because his letters weren't formed correctly, the Headmistress told him that his 'copy book' would be blotted, which you needed to to show prospective employers, she told him that he would likely be only to get a job as a door opener in the mine.  Then came time to show your hands to see if they were clean,  she was not impressed that I had  varnish on my nails,  so everyone pointed and chanted 'shame on you'  i think my face went the colour of my nails!! ☺️

We then went to an old fashioned cinema and saw an early Laurel & Hardy film, not my but Paul loved it, I simply don't find 'Slapstick' funny!  But it was a fun experience,  the rest of the day was spent chatting to the people that play the original,  families or shop keepers, they have the first Self Service Co-Op store,  it had a little challenge where you had to get the ingredients to make a jam roly-poly using your rations and things that were on a point system in the store at the time, I think it was set in 1946, it was fascinating to see children and young couples trying to fathom it out.                         Just as we were thinking about leaving the heavens opened and there was an almighty thunder storm.  We got a little bit wet, so made our way back towards the entrance,  Paul wanted to do the mine tour but there was no way I was putting myself through that after the canal underground experience,  so I sat and chatted to a lovely old fella while he went down the mine,  he did say when he came out that I wouldn't have liked it.                        All in all we had a lovely weekend,  we felt very spoilt, the hotel staff couldn't have been sweeter, we had a lovely swim to get away from the football madness, then got ready for dinner and by the time we got down to the bar it was almost empty!  

Today I am sharing a card that I received from Lilian last week, it is so beautiful,  the colour is so bright and vibrant, it looks like Lilian has stamped and painted on to Linen paper, the texture is lovely and doesn’t affect the detail of the stamped image either.  

Thank you so much for such a beautiful card my lovely XXX 

I hope that you all have a lovely start to the week, 

I will be having to show all of my 'extremities' this week as I have Mammogram tomorrow and Bladder clinic Thursday!! ☺️

Karen I hope you have a lovely time in Bournemouth x

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra xxx


  1. Hi everyone
    A beautiful card from Lilian today ๐Ÿ˜
    I thought I commented yesterday but can’t have pressed publish ๐Ÿ™„ Anyway I loved all the cards on display. Shame about the glue Karen, but it is a beautiful card ๐Ÿ˜Š
    Glad you had a lovely weekend away with Paul.
    Karen hope the bowls tour is going well.
    Have a good day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Stunning card Lilian Is that one stamp you have used I will try the CC Sticks Away and see if it works on acetate which will be a game changer
    Your trip sounded so good Sandra I hate caves - even as a child I wouldn’t go in the hellfire caves at Wycombe
    We’re on our way to Bournemouth The weather is dry at the moment ๐Ÿคž
    We don’t come back until Monday so O won’t be able to make any cards but I do have some crochet with me!
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hello all, another wet and cold day, even the birds are quiet, they obviously don’t like the rain either.

    Glad you liked my card, the stamp is very useful but rather large. Love the way it looks as though you have done a separate background .

    Your weekend sounds terrific, Sandra, hope you’re not suffering the after effects of all that excitement.
    We have the grandchildren coming tomorrow it’s the first time we have seen them since before Christmas. They are staying quite near, so will come here for their main meals. They are 11 and 13 now, not sure what to find to entertain them.

    Karen hope the bowling goes well, the weather is supposed to be better tomorrow, good luck.

    Just finished a huge load of ironing, hope to get my card for this week made on Friday when the family have gone back. Lilian

  4. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    It sounds like you and Paul are having a great time, we went there some years ago and loved every minute of it. The roll play actor's are brilliant and really believable.
    Lilian love the card you sent to Sandra the colour is so vibrant (as Sandra said) I always admire your artistic talent you are so gifted.
    Sleep well everyone, Big hugs, Brenda xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all looking in.
    I hope you aren’t paying too high a price today for your busy weekend my lovely xx
    Lilian you card is lovely. That stamp is beautiful. Enjoy having the family around. What about playing cards? Our lot love playing Newmarket with buttons as the money. I’m sure they will just be happy to spend time with you both though xx
    The weather is very stormy here on and off. I managed to get soaked walking back to my car after visiting Pop!
    Sleep well. Take care. Love Sue xx

  6. Hi everyone, sorry being so late but thought I had posted earlier today but no ....
    I love your card Lilian, it's gorgeous ๐Ÿฅฐ I did wondered how you made it , it's a lovely stamp.
    The place you went to Sandra sounds a lot of fun. I wouldn't go down the cave either unless I know it was wide enough to walk in. We have been to the caves in Majorca and they were wonderful.
    I haven't done anything today, no mojo. Seeing sister in law tomorrow down St Alban's, hopefully it has stopped raining by then.
    Good night everyone, sleep well. Hugs, Maria xx
