Saturday 6 July 2024

Sophie's Latest Art Piece


Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

Well despite having to call  GP again and get stronger antibiotics as this infection has made it to my kidneys,   the most frustrating part being I was back to getting up many times in the night! 😪
But as I was saying despite that we decided to still come away for the weekend, if only to do nothing but relaxing,  the hotel was a lovely treat and we were treated like royalty when we arrived and told that we can charge anything we like to the room its all taken care of!  We were both shocked !! 

Today I am sharing Sophie's latest painting, she was asked to design another painting for the restaurant,  it has taken her so many months, so many hours.  The fine detail in the animal were painted using a brush that basically had 1 hair!!  The fur and details on the animals has real texture to as its oil paint.  The photos just don't do it justice.
Here are a few close ups....

We are so incredibly proud of her, the piece is about 5ft tall. Which is why its taken so long. The colours are so vibrant in real too, the eyes on the animals look alive!  

I hope that you all have a good day,  on the brightside no need to water the gardens!! 🤣

Love and hugs to all of you, 



  1. Wow Wow Wow! Sophie’s painting is amazing What a lovely skill/talent to have
    I hope the infection doesn’t spoil your weekend too much and enjoy your stay at the hotel How lovely that you haven’t got to watch the pennies My OH is not stingy but we have been overcharged for room service before and that’s really hard to try and rectify
    That’s one museum I would really love to visit Perhaps one day I will
    I hope it brightens up It’s supposed to be Charlie’s school fete later and we’re getting our stuff ready for a bowls tour to Bournemouth on Monday Hopefully that means’s when we get back the bathroom(s) will be almost complete
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Wow that's beautiful art work. The strokes on the leopards fur is amazing. Well done Sophie x
    Have a nice weekend away Sandra, hopefully the meds are working so it won't spoil anything.
    We are back home after a dreadful drive back in heavy rain, road works and idiots on the road. Popped in to Lidl to get some dinner and some other bit and bobs. 2 Football matches to watch for OH, I will do some crafting. Have a nice Saturday everyone. Many hugs to you all. Maria xx

  3. Hi Sandra and all looking in. Sophie artwork is absolutely fantastic. She has such talent. I watched her working on this piece a few weeks ago and agree with you Sandra that the animals and greenery all have so much detail and photos just don’t do it justice. I hope your weekend isn’t spoilt by your uti too much. At least you have antibiotics now. Think of you at the museum, it’s one we keep saying we want to go to….one day we will get there. How lucky that you don’t have to pay for anything at the hotel either. What a kind man. Enjoy it all my lovely xx
    I hope you all sleep well. Take care. Love Sue

  4. Hello Sandra and everyone
    WOW what amazing art work by Sophie, she is such a talented artist. She has such an amazing eye for detail. I can confidently say that because we have one of her drawings which is on display in our lounge.
    Sandra I hope your UTI infection has settled down, you must be exhausted after all the stress it causes. Take care xxx
    I agree we can take a positive from all the rain we have had - it saves watering the garden….. but it would be lovely to have some sunshine, it would encourage some of our plants to flower.
    Have a lovely weekend everyone, sleep well, love Brenda xxx
