Sunday 7 July 2024

Your Aperture Challenge Cards


Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

We had a mixed day of sunshine and showers yesterday, luckily the showers were short and light. We had a lovely time at the Black Country Living Museum,  we learnt about brick making, mostly Ladies work, it was one of the few jobs that they were allowed to continue doing after they got married,  they were allowed to bring their daughters to work as small children too, as the bosses saw it as teaching the next generation for free!   Aluminium smelting too, the girl was so informative and they love when you ask questions. We then went to see how they made chain, i mean BIG chain, apparently the chain and anchor for the titanic were made around here!  We finished the afternoon by going on a canal boat trip, we went into the old mines, into a singing cave where they played music and had a light show.  I will say though that I had a bit of a panic at the start  (not that anyone would have known) luckily it was super dark, it was because we were so far underground in this tiny tunnel, it never used to bother me so much, its been since I had that MRI of my head a few months ago, having that cage over my face and locked down, oh it gives me shivers just thinking about it, i was literally sick afterwards,  I was getting dressed while balling my eyes out I was bloody terrified.  Now I have a load of extra nightmare scenarios, getting stuck inside duvet cover being one of them!!! 🤣😂

We got back to a hotel full to bursting at the bar which is at entrance, you couldn't have got in the bar of you wanted to, they had the football on on 5 huge screens, so it was clearly the place to be, we hightailed it up to our room for some peace!  Hoping it quietens down before we go down for dinner! 

Your Challenge cards 


Maria's Description:  

Two cards for Sunday coming here but not sure if you class  as an aperture because I put the snow flakes back in......

Two lovely aperture cards Maria,  one with Snowflakes creating little apertures, with glitter behind them, it looks so effective Maria, a lovely Christmas card,  with a lovely sentiment 😊 

The second card is a 'faux' Aperture card, I love the colour and that beautiful stamp you have used in the faux aperture.

Thank you so much for taking part my lovely XXX 


Lilian's Description:

Hi, here is my card for this week, used Sue Wilson lattice die, it’s an old one that I’ve never used before.

The ephemera are from another cut out book.

Such a lovely card Lilian, it makes a change to see the 'background dies at the front of the card for a change  your little cut outs embellish the card perfectly, the background colour works so well with the embellishments too.

Thank you so much for taking part XXX 


Karen's Description:

Well I tried to do an aperture card using a Sue W die Twinkle Star Background and stupidly tried to back the front with a piece of acetate to give the front strength and somehow managed to get glue or something on it and trying to rub it away has made it worse Definitely for the bin!

The card itself is amazing, the idea is incredible,  I know your frustration though as I have done exactly the same, I think most of us have!  Trouble is there is nothing you can do, that doesn’t make it worse!  
Thank you so much for sharing it anyway  its as important for everyone to know that it doesn't go right all the time.  I really hope that you have another go as this would be a gorgeous card 😍 XXX

I hope that you all have a lovely Sunday

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Great cards ladies I am gutted that I managed to get glue or Posca pen on the acetate I will try it again It was fairly easy to line everything up too Like you Lilian I think it’s the first time I’d used this old Sue W die
    I would love to go to the living museum It’s on my bucket list
    My grandparents and great grandparents lived in Calvert and the conveyor belt with bricks at some stage in the manufacturing went passed at the bottom of their garden The whole village worked for the London Brick Company My dad bucked the trend and went to college but all his brothers worked there for part of their working life I can vividly remember taking in an unfired brick to school and couldn’t believe at 8 years old that it was double the size before firing
    When we visited my grandparents we used to play a game of “spot Calvert chimneys first”
    We’re getting ready for our trip to Bournemouth today for the bowls tour I think it will prove quite interesting shall I say 🤣
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Nice cards also from Lilian and Karen . I like the idea that you have for your card Karen. Hope the weather holds for you in Bournemouth so you can play some bowls.
    I met up with a neighbour for a coffee out this morning and it was nice to have a catch up. She just got back from Sardinia with +35 c and had some lovely photos to show me. I wouldn't mind some of that heat today because I'm still in my fleece .
    Hope you all have a good day, take care. Many hugs, Maria xxx

  3. Hi Sandra and all looking in. Gorgeous challenge cards ladies. Not sure where mine is but no doubt it will turn up, usually where I least expect it!
    Sandra, great to hear you and Paul had a lovely time. It is on my bucket list too so one day we will get there. I would be the same in the tunnel, used to love caving and didn’t care at all how small or tight tunnels were but now I just couldn’t do it. MR Is are so hard to have aren’t they. You have my upmost sympathy especially during those first few minutes where you have that massive fight with yourself not to press the “get me out of here” button!!! I had several earlier this year some with a sort of electronic monitor blanket over my chest. Hopefully neither of us never need to have one again xx
    My day turned out very different to expected as Pop was taken ill so I spent the day with him. I hope you all had a good day. Take care. Love Sue xx

  4. Hi, don’t know what happened to my comment from yesterday, must have forgotten to press send.

    Karen love your idea for a card, have you tried c/ companion spray to take away glue smudges, it work when I have glue on foil, so maybe it would work on acetate. Maria love your cards as well.

    It’s been really cold and windy here today, so another day watching tennis.

    Sandra glad you had a lovely time away. Lilian
