Sunday 1 September 2024

Some of your lovely cards


Good Sunday Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you are all enjoying a lovely relaxed weekend.

Well August like every other month this year disappeared in a flash!  Welcome September,  a lovely month,  the trees are so beautiful to look at. 

I'm sure you must get bored of our daily holiday updates as they are a little boring.  We did venture to the local market yesterday but it was really disappointing,  apart from a fruit and veg stall every stall was selling 'knock off' designer stuff, from bags timo shoes and hats, belts etc. I don't understand how any of them make money when they are all selling the exact same rubbish!  Nothing local or even Catalan or Spanish for that matter.  

The rest of the day was pretty much the same as always, we were in the sea by 10.30, it was a bit cloudy at first but the sun soon burnt through, we stayed until early afternoon,  then had a lazy lunch and went to the pool, I have turned into a crazy bird lady and take bread with me every day to the pool, there are some baby birds that constantly pester their mummy's for food so I like to do my bit to help, I make Paul but the extra seedy bread so its better for them.  I did suggest we get some mealworms but Paul just gave me the "thats too far" look 🙄🤣😂

Let's look at what you have made this week....


Karen's Description:

My first attempt at those Sizzix layering stencils and a black heat embossed stamp from Inkyliscious

Karen the stencils are a triumph,  I am definitely going to treat myself,  my birthday card from Maria was done with a layered stencil too and its stunning! 
Thank you so much for sending me so many cards to share xxx


Maria used 'shapes' as her theme for her cards this week.  Such a great idea!  
Your cards are so lovely, the one with the stamped flower is stunning Maria !  😍  Stamping over the different layers can be a pain to line up but yours is perfect. 
Thank you so much for sending cards for me to share. XXX 


Lilian's Description:

Here is my card for this week.

I used a sheet of the lovely papers you sent me.

Then I stamped in night of navy, one of my favourite colours using the stamping up trees, and another small stamp from my stash.

Wow Lilian the stamping you have added looks like it was meant to be there.  Aren't those Tim Holtz sentiments handy?! I love adding them to simple cards as they just sit in the background without overtaking your work. 

Thank you so much for continuing to send cards for me to share XXX


I hope that you all enjoy the rest of the weekend, 

Love & Hugs,

Sandra xxx


  1. Hi everyone
    Beautiful cards today ladies. I love the colours together on yours Karen and Lilian, a lovely Christmas scene.
    Not sure where the day went yesterday but thanks for the magazine review, nice one. Pretty flower on your walk and glad you managed to get into the sea again.
    Not doing anything much today, only have washing to do and will take a chance that it's not going to rain and hang it out.
    Have a great day everyone. Hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  2. Hello, apologies for missing a couple of comments, my memory is lacking these days.
    Lovely cards on show today, must admit I was totally stumped for ideas, so not very original I’m afraid, will try better next time.
    Glad to hear the holiday is going so well, can’t remember, the time we went on holiday, so it’s nice to hear about yours.

    Not sure what I am doing today, hope you all enjoy yours Lilian

  3. I know August just zoomed past I can’t believe it’s September Your holiday sounds perfect Such a shame about the market I noticed how poor they’d become with cheap tat last time I was in Spain
    Lilian and Maria - your cards are beautiful I must have a play with different card layouts and have a go at stamping onto patterned paper
    I am enjoying using these stencils It’s making me use my DO more I tried a sepia version of the hummingbird and very pleased with my colour choices
    OH is at Chelsea and so got the sewing machine out for a change Nanna nap now and a bit of mindless tele watching
    Take care everyone xx

  4. Hi everyone
    Beautiful cards today ladies 😍
    Not done much after working this morning. Turned humid here and a chance of rain!
    Sandra, I love hearing about what you’re all doing on holiday, it sounds wonderful ☺️
    Hope you’re all having a good day
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Love all of today’s cards they are all so beautiful and inspiring. I will one of these days get back into my craft room and actually make a card my mojo has definitely gone on holiday, I just hope it returns soon.
    Sandra it’s lovely hearing about your holiday, what a shame the local market was so disappointing.
    I’m off to my bed now, last night I woke up at least three times, it was mor like cat napping so fingers crossed tonight will be better, I hope you all have a good night , sleep well, love Brenda xxx
