Friday 13 September 2024

My Beautiful Birthday card from Sonia


Good Friday Morning Ladies, 

Why does it feel like we have been back from Holiday about a week!??   We hit the ground running,  we were home later than we expected,  it was good to be back on my lovely mattress though, it is so comfortable.  Thursday morning soon whizzed round though and it was up and showered ready to head off to be Bladder Clinic appointment,  the journey was a blooming nightmare though, they decided to close the main road about 8 miles from hospital so we took the diversion,  which was realky windy, the tiniest roads with lots of extra traffic was a recipe for disaster,  we ended up being 1/2 hour late for my appointment,  we did phone ahead and they said for us not too rush and that they would wait for us, which was so kind.  The only frustration was that I had the nurse that seems to stress and struggle to get the catheter in,  she did get it in eventually but I was almost climbing off the table,  its done now though, thats it for another 4 weeks!! 

As we left the hospital my brother called to say he had arrived,  so we got home and and he came to visit, then we went out for dinner at Becca's Highway, Adam has designed the most incredible Tapas menu,  Adam and Becca ordered a feast and we all enjoyed every bit of it.  It was so lovely spending time with my Brother and his girlfriend Caroline,  she is so lovely 😍 

Today I am sharing the gorgeous Birthday card I received from our Sonia, every element works perfectly,  the background paper has such a subtle design, which works so well with the overall design.

Thank you so much Sonia for creating a beautiful card for , I love it 😍😘

i hope that you have good day everyone ,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra xxx


  1. I’m glad you arrived home safely
    Shame about the delay to the hospital etc Hopefully it’s helping
    Your time with Becca Adam your brother and Caroline sounded lovely too Great to relax and not worry about cooking etc
    Your card is lovely from Sonia I have those square dies and were probably some of the first I bought I must look them out
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hello All, am busy watching big black clouds, hoping they quickly pass over, as I have washing on the line.

    We have been for our RSV vacation this morning, the young man was really excellent, didn’t realise that he did it, it’s a new vaccine, R gone for his now as we couldn’t get them together.
    Not going to do much this afternoon, a bit of crochet maybe.

    Sonia love your card for Sandra, I too have those square dies, haven’t used them for ages, must see if I can find them.

    Have a good afternoon all. Lilian
