Monday 16 September 2024

A classic colour combination

Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

We had a pleasant start to the day yesterday,   Paul got loads done in the garden, strimming weeds around veg beds, trimming hedges, it looked so much tidier.  By early evening I couldn't see the hills in the distance, then the heavens opened, it poured down.  It turned much cooler too, we popped to the shop mid afternoon to get a piece of beef as I was craving a Roast dinner,  we used veg from the garden....

As daft as it sounds, it was so exciting eating delicious veg that you have grown from seed 😋 

That savoy cabbage was amazing,  from picking to eating in less than an hour!! 

Today's card is in one of my all time favourite colour combinations, a super simple stamped image layered onto two pieces of Sun Prints dsp, I finished the look with 3 tiny pearls.  

I am looking forward to sitting at my desk and playing today ☺️

I hope that you all have a good day,

Love & hugs to all,

Sandra xxx 


  1. Hello All, very warm outside today, which makes a lovely change.

    Your veg look superb, nothing beats veg from your own garden.
    Have had a lazy day reading , going to look for autumnal ideas for cards on Pinterest next. That should fill the time until I have to get dinner.

    Great card, love that colour, and the pretty paper. Hope you are feeling better today. Lilian

  2. Hi Sandra and all looking in. Your card today is right up my street. I love those papers and blue and white is always a winner. It’s not daft at all enjoying eating your own grown veg. It all tastes so much better than any shop bought. I hope you are feeling much better now my lovely xx
    I’ve had a day of phone calls then I picked Penny up from school and we had a lovely couple of hours together on our own as Chris was in Swindon with Chris jnr after school. It was just what I needed, lovely just relaxing with Penny. I hope you all have a good night. Take care. Love Sue xx

  3. Lovely card Sandra and a great colour choice
    The weather today has been lovely with the sun shining most of the time, the sun doesn’t get on the back of the house until mid afternoon so I stayed in the sunny area.
    It so rewarding when you can have your home grown vegetables for dinner and the taste is lovely. This year I’ve only grown tomatoes and not to many. Other years I’ve grown enough to feed the street!!!
    Sending caring hugs to you and all of the ladies.
    Take care and stay safe, Love Brenda xxx

  4. Hi everyone.
    We are back home 🤗😊. The internet while being away was so bad so I waited to be home before comment again so here I am.
    Sandra, all the photos of you driving home look so pretty and it must been great staying a night in the castle. Hope you got over the long drive back. Very sad to see tho that the clinic visit was not so nice, hope you are alright now. How lovely to be able to use vegetable's from your own plot. I'm sure it tasted wonderful. Many beautiful card's have been shown these last few days and I love today's too. It be fun to get into card making again so tomorrow I will have a look what to use for autumanal cards. It was hard to think it was autumn now while we were sitting outside in a square having coffees and ice-cream and chatting away with my step-son in sunny Santander with +20c . Heard tho that some of you had some lovely sunshine here too and hopefully it stays another few days but you can really feel that is a nip in the air.
    Hoping backs are less painful and migraines are better. Time for me to go, it's tiring this with travelling but it's also something I love. People watching and eating good food 🤭😉
    Wishing you all a good night and sending many hugs to you all, take care. xxx
