Thursday, 27 February 2025


Good Thursday Morning Ladies,  

We had quite a chilly day yesterday,  mostly bright and sunny though.  Lucy has asked me to thank you all for your well wishes yesterday, she thought she was feeling a bit better yesterday,  so we popped out so she could get fuel and had a quick trip into Coop, I could see that she was struggling in the Coop, when we got home she was totally wiped out, she was breathing really fast and had to go and lie down,  I'm  not sure how she will get on going into work today bless her, she is in no fit state.  

I did start a new Thrinchie yesterday afternoon,  however Becca sent out her wedding invitations on Monday, so my phone was buzzing with messages from different family members, most moaning about the price of hotels in and around Burford,  I had to explain that the wedding is in the Cotswolds still in High season,  not that its ever a 'quiet' season around here,  every where is busy all year round.  So by 6pm I was still only half finished my thrinchie, it had a lot of colouring, which takes time.  

So I have shared a Thrinchie that I made on this day in 2023 !! 

Here is the description...

Today I am sharing my 'Sewing' themed Thrinchie that I made yesterday afternoon, I really enjoyed making this one,  although all those splatters made a fair mess of my desk I can tell you!  I used Tracy Evans Sewing Forever #396 to create this one, I enjoyed the colouring, I will say that the Bristol Smooth card makes such a difference to blending the Ecoline pens, so it's worth investing in some if you have Ecoline pens.  I like how bright and vibrant this one is. 

I hope that all have a good day, 

Love to all,

Sandra xxx 


  1. Great Thrinchie from 2023 Was that challenge really 2years ago!
    Sorry to hear Lucy is still struggling Sounds like she should be signed off work for a week or two Bless her I hope she feels better today
    It makes it feel all the closer when people start replying to the wedding invite! Exciting!
    Visit to GP was useless It was so annoying I could see at least 3 receptionists and an empty surgery but she still wouldn’t make me an appointment I have to do an e-consult today It’s not urgent but need to chat
    Take care everyone xx

    1. Just been on It opens at 8 and is now closed at 8.20 Have to try again at 8 tomorrow

  2. Hello All, lovely sunny day here today, but still very cold.

    Karen sorry to hear you are having trouble with your GP. If we want to see a doctor (if lucky) most likely a paramedic, we have to apply on line, and then they phone us back.

    Sandra love your thrinchie, hadn’t realised you have been doing them for so long.
    Been trying to do another pair today, one is ok but when I started the second it went down hill.
    Going to Lidl tomorrow, not been out for a while, then on to the range to get some new pots.
    Must go and finish dinner, it’s turkey rolls, so nice and easy.
    Have a good evening everyone, Lilian

  3. Hi everyone
    Pretty thrinchie. All your thrinchies looking so good. I've made a couple today, sending the photos tomorrow.
    Karen, hope you can get hold of your GP tomorrow morning. We have to go on the engaged on line before seeing any doctor and if you are lucky it will be with a locum who doesn't know your history 😐
    OH had to get his glasses fixed after the tiny screw had fallen out so I went and had my nails done. The lounge is finished and it's look fresh with a new coat of paint. Sadly the kitchen won't be done until Monday hopefully but the guy needs a hip replacement asap for he is in agony right now but have been bumped twice already for the operation.
    Hoping that you had a nice day. Sleep well. Hugs to you all, Maria xxx
