Wednesday, 17 January 2018

A Special Congratulations Card

Happy Birthday Pat 

Good Morning Ladies,

Firstly today I would like to wish Our Pat and Very Happy Birthday, I hope you have a lovely day, sending you lots of love and hugs. Xxxxxx

Today's card is a little bit of a 'WOW', Glitz and Glam card,  I made it for the lovely Danielle Rose, why has reached 1000 Subscribers on YouTube!!! 
The funny thing is, I went over to Dannii's YouTube channel to watch her prize giveaway and noticed that as 'Cotswoldcrafter'  I wasn't subscribed to her channel, so I hit 'Subscribe' and I was her 1000th subscriber, what where the chances, I'm still waiting for my prize though ;) ! 
The prize is a beautiful Journal that Dannii has made, it's absolutely amazing, I you want to take part all you have to do is send Dannii a 'Congratulations' card before end of January and she will put everyone's name into a draw. I will leave a link below if you want to go and take part. 

Now onto my card, I used one of the new Designer Series Paper collections called   'Painted With  Love' . I took one of my favourite sheets and used that as the base for the card, I added in some of the accent colours of this paper collection too,    'Melon Mambo, Calypso Coral, & Rich Razzleberry'.   
I then used my Large Number Framelits to cut 1000 and mounted it onto my Easel card base, I then used a collection of different Stampin'Up! Flower stamps and their matching dies to create the last little flower arrangements around the numbers.
I die cut a SU 'Celebrate' I Gold Mirror card to match the numbers and mounted this as my stopper on the base of the card. A tiny gold bow topped with a Rich Razzleberry flower was the final Flourish! 
I do hope that Dannii likes her card, while you are over at her YouTube channel you may see the video of her opening my card.


  1. Morning Ladies

    Happy Birthday Pat-I hope you have a wonderful day.

    Sandra-gorgeous Card you have made for Danielle, I’m sure she’ll love it & appreciate all the work that’s gone into it.

    I had yet another busy day yesterday, we’re really struggling with staffing at the moment plus we’re busier than usual. I called at my Dads after work & stayed for a while. When I got home, Phil was up & dressed-first time in over a week. He said he was feeling “more human “ but he looked exhausted by about 9pm. He’s going to try to look st some work emails today, hopefully he won’t spend all day working.


    1. Hi Michele
      Thank you for birthday wishes.
      I'm sorry to hear you've been so busy at work because of staffing issues. I think NHS staff are struggling at the moment because a lot of staff are leaving.
      Good news that Phil is feeling more like his ok'd self again. But hope that ge doesn't do to much to soon and set himself back.

    2. Hi Michele. I hope work calms down a bit for you. And it's good to hear Phil is starting to feel a bit better. It seems to take quite a while to recover properly so tell him to take it easy x

  2. Morning Everyone
    I hope that you have a lovely day whether it's relaxing or doing something you want to do.

    SANDRA- I love today's card and I'm sure Danielle will love it.

    We have a very very white (snow)world this morning. It's also very very windy and bitterly cold so for me it's an indoors day. The road and paths look like skating rinks.

    It should have been K&N yesterday and my turn to 'take and make' but it was cancelled as there would only have been 3 of us. So many are ill with this flu bug. Hopefully everything will be OK in 2week's time.

    The CAFE is OPEN for all who can get in. The Coffee/Tea pots are full so help yourselves.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Thank you Janet for my birthday wishes. I've gad a lovely relaxing day.
      We've had a sprinkling of snow this morning, plus it's bitterly cold outside. Although we did gave some sunshine which melted the snow, at least our roads and paths weren't like skating rinks,

    2. Hi Janet. What a shame K & N was cancelled but at least you have your craft for them all ready to go. I hope the snow and ice don't stop you and J doing anything important. Stay safe x

  3. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAT, I hope you have a lovely day. xxx

    Sandra, I’m sure Danielle is going to love the card you made for her. Love those new papers.

    JANET, I feel guilty, we have lovely sunshine, although I haven’t been outside yet, I think it’s quiet cold. Haven’t seen any of the white stuff you have, stay indoors safe and warm. xx. I will be going out later, I’m meeting up with some friends for lunch, which will be a lovely, we haven’t had a meet up since before Christmas so I’m sure they’ll be lots of chatting going on.

    MARIA it was lovely to see you manage to pop in yesterday, enjoy the rest of your holiday xx

    KAREN, please your appointment went well, take care xx

    Hope everyone has a good day, especially Our Birthday girl PAT xx

    Love and hugs Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      Thank you for my birthday wishes. I've had a lovely day. We had just a sprinkling of snow overnight and it was bitterly cold and windy. However, we had some sunshine which melted it quite quickly.

    2. Hi Brenda. I hope you enjoyed your lunch out with friends. No doubt the world was put to rights just as we do at our Watford meet ups 😊 x

  4. Good morning Sandra & Ladies
    A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAT 💝🎈🎉🎂💐HUG'S on the way xx
    Lovely card Sandra for Danielle congratulations on winning your prize x
    I have doctors appointments this morning to see the Diabetic nurse for results.of 💉Test. Then I need the post office & pound shop
    Sandra hope you &Sue got a lot of packing done yesterday with some chatting & laughing in between x
    MICHELE pleased Phil is feeding better but doesn't over do it. Hope work goes ok.
    JANET have a good day indoors shame K & N was cancelled Hug's xx
    Will call in later must a get move on & have a shower.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Just to let you know Sue Wilson has her January Die release showing on Sunrise craft for pre order. Xx

    2. Thanks for the birthday wishes Lynda
      I've had a lovely relaxing day. Had lunch out with Sandra.
      Hope your blood tests were ok today.
      Oh dear another release of Sue Wilson dies. I can't keep up with all these releases.
      Hope Terry is still behaving himself.

    3. Hi Lynda. I hope the diabetic check went ok and you got your shopping done and dusted. Thank you for the kind words and my hugs. Sending more for you and Terry xx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Happy birthday Pat hope it is a good one.
    Sandra lovely card for Danielle, congratulations on being 1000 visitor. Hope you got lots done yesterday with
    Not playing Petanque this morning had a disturbed night, had a call at 2am from a neighbour who lives on her own to say could I take her to A&E. She has been in bed for couple of days with cold/flu like systems, spoke to 111 & they told her to go to A&E asap. After a couple of hours they decided it was not flu but could be stress, she has just lost her mother after 3 weeks in hospital. Got home about 4.10 so set in. Mind have a treat lunchtime I am having lunch with a couple I worked with, so will have a good catch up
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret
      Thanks for your birthday wishes. Shame you had a disturbed night. But glad to hear your neighbour wasn't to poorly that she had to stay in hospital.
      This flu bug is certainly is laying people low this year.
      Hope you enjoyed your lunch.

    2. Hi Mum. Sorry to her that you had a broken night after taking Helen to GWH and that she is ok. Thank goodness it's only a few minutes away. Love to you and Pop xxxx

  6. WOWSER! What a beautiful card Sandra. I certainly couldn't compete with that. I think you're in for another prize.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAT I hope you have a lovely day. My card may not arrive until tomorrow as I think I missed the post
    Good luck LYNDA with the blood test results
    Don't work too hard MICHELE and pleased to see that Phil is recovering
    Oh, MARGARET I hope you can catch up on some rest. Your poor friend, no wonder she feels so ill
    Like BRENDA we have beautiful sunshine but it seems very windy - sorry JANET
    I'm OK and I have to say a flexible cystoscopy is not as traumatic as I thought it was going to be
    Hope to make CC this afternoon and I'm out dancing this evening - toes are still painful but at least I can help in the Rueda class
    Take care all xxx

    1. Hi Karen
      Thanks for the birthday wishes. Look forward to receiving my card.
      Great to hear your procedure wasn't to traumatic for you and hope you don't have to wait to long for the results.
      Enjoy your dancing tonight. Well you might ge hone by the tine I've posted this, or at least on your way.

    2. Hi Karen. Thank you for your kind words yesterday. I'm sorry but I don't know the make of the little Happy Birthday die as it was in a box with 3 other dies (they were simply stuck on a plain piece of card) and various cards and papers that I got at the NEC for a £1 per box. I got two different box's for Phoebe and Paige but I actually forgot to give them to them at Christmas! I will certainly buy more if I ever see them again. I will cut you some out in white card then you can colour them to match, of course I will do the same for anyone else too.
      I'm so glad your flexibility cystoscopy went better than you thought it would and that nothing bad was found. I hope you have a good evening dancing, or as much as your sore toes allow anyway x

  7. Afternoon ladies,


    Happy Happy Birthday Pat.

    After a night being kept awake by the most horrendous gales rushing past my window & rattling through the eaves, it has now abate slightly. I did plan on going to Taunton to pick up some fleece for our farm animal tabards but the rain & windy weather has put me off. Will have to go tomorrow morning now as Tiegan's swim club is after school and I don't want to be caught up in the school rush hour.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Thanks for the birthday wishes. Yes the wind did howl last night. We gad a sprinkling of snow but not as much as Janet.
      I hope you manage to get your fleece tabards and you don't get caught up in the school rush hour.

    2. Hi Cheryl. I hope the wind is calmer overnight if nothing else so that you can get a decent night's sleep x

  8. Hi All, very wet and windy, not as rough as last night, which was so noisy.

    A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAT, Sorry it’s a bit late, hope you have had a lovely day.

    Sandra great card, when I first looked early this morning I thought it was a birthday card, couldn’t work out the numbers. Made complete sense when read your description.

    Been trying to make a card all day, it’s going to end up in the bin!!! Will try again tomorrow.

    Have a good day all, Lilian

    1. Thanks for the birthday wishes Lilian. They're not as late as me coming in. Hope you manage to get your card finished.

    2. Hi Lilian. I hope you don't suffer with the gales that are coming in. I bet your card is beautiful, I have never seen anything other than wonderful cards that you have made. Lots a shame but we are all our own worst enemy aren't we! X

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely card you do for Danielle Sandra.
    Thank you so much for my birthday wishes. I'd like to thank you all for my birthday cards. They made a lovely display on my sideboard.
    I've had visitors this morning and Sandra and I went out for lunch.
    My eldest granddaughter Amy, called in on her way home from work and bought me 2 large bunches of flowers. Had a fantastic present from Sandra as well.

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. This card is gorgeous, I was lucky to see it yesterday. It may have more brighter colours than you would usually use on one card but my goodness it really works. Danielle will be delighted with it. And what are the odds that you were her 1000th subscriber 😊 I hope you enjoyed your break from packing again today my lovely. We don't want you doing too much then not being able to move at the weekend, please xx
    Thank you to everyone for the kind words about my striplet card. Someone reviewed it for her birthday....I wonder who that was? 😊
    I hope the weather doesn't cause any problems or sleepless nights ladies. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx
