Friday, 9 June 2017

Vellum Wrapped Rose 'take 2'

Good Friday Morning Ladies 

As I am writing todays blog the fate of the Country lies in anyone's hands, I feel like we will all be peeking through our fingers at the results! 

My order arrived yesterday with all the new Stampin' Up! Goodies in, oh my fingers are itching to get crafting !! Today's card was made using one of the new sets called 'Graceful Garden'  
Graceful Garden
I stamped the rose into white card musing Berry Burst and Old Olive ink, then added Clear Embossing Powder and heat set I then  coloured it in using the same ink and a Stampin'Up! Blender Pen. I cut a piece of vellum the same size as my card and using my stamping tool I was able to stamp in the same place as I had onto the white card. I stamped this with Versamark ink and then used White Embossing powder and heat set. I did my matting and layering and then placed the Vellum over the top of my stamped white card, making sure the images matched up, I glued the vellum in place and added Berry Burst Ribbon tied into a bow and topped with a matching Rose.    

I thought it might be fun us all to have a go at something new, something that we could all share with each other too.  
ATC's seem to be coming back into fashion, I love the idea of having a little piece of everyone's art, they are single sided cards 2 1/2 x 3 inches in size, just a little card front really.  I will confess that I have never made one, but would like to have a go.
We could either just make one and I will organise a 'swap partner' or we can make a set of 12/13 and send one to everyone, I don't mind either way.  I think but will be fun. And so nice to receive something in the post that isn't a bill !! 
What do you all think??

Tomorrow I will feature some Craft Shopping, so if you have any to share please send me a photo.

Ladies that ordered Stampin Up, I received the delivery yesterday so your parcels will be sent out today!  I am so excited for you !! Xx

Pat my thoughts will be with you all day today my lovely, I hope all goes smoothly and that you manage to get home to sleep in your own bed tonight, sending you the hugest hug and lots of love too. 

I hope everyone else has a lovely day,

Love and hugs 


  1. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful card Sandra, really gorgeous.

    Disappointing news re the election & now we wait again.

    I haven't made an ATC either-I wouldn't normally be interested for myself but it sounds like a fun idea for a blog swap. If I made more than one then they'd probably all be the same or very similar mainly because I don't have much spare time but they would be going to different people so no-one would know...he he.

    My Dad was told he could start driving again yesterday-the Physio & the Consultant were very pleased with his progress. He's now got a date for the next hip replacement-13th July.


    1. Really please about you Dad Michele. It must be a relief all round that he can no drive again. Glad he's got a date for his next op.
      Have a good dayxxx

    2. Hi Michele
      Great news that your Dad can now drive, and that he has a date for his other hip to be done.

    3. Hi Michele
      Pleased your dad can drive again great news, & he has a date for his other hip. Hope work is ok today.

    4. Pleased your dad is doing so well and not long until he have the next hip done. Hope the day at work is alright x

  2. Hello Everyone, dry but dull, do hope it's warmer today.

    Sandra love your card, would easily make a lovely wedding card, have to make a diamond anniversary card, may I use your lovely card as inspiration?

    I have never made an atc either, I think tonics new dies have started this up again, fine either way with me but maybe some will think of the cost of posting 13 .

    Well have good day all, I suppose the news will be be full of election news all day, which seems to be a waste of everyone's time and the country's money.
    Hugs to especially PAT hope op goes well, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Thanks for the good wishes. I also wouldn't want to do three ATC's.
      I'm also sick of hearing about the election. Hopefully it'll calm down in the next few days.

    2. Hi Lilian, hope your day is fine and you take it easy with your hands. Take care x

  3. Hi everyone. Don't know where yesterday's comment disappeared to. Floating somewhere up there I'm sure.

    Lovely card Sandra. Beautiful with the vellum over it. So expensive looking.

    Pat, wishing you lots of hugs today. Good luck and hope you are able to go

    Craft Club today. Haven't been for two weeks so looking forward to seeing everyone.

    I've also never made an ATC. Not really my sort of thing but I'll have a go.

    Haven't caught up on all yesterday's news so whilst I'm having my cup of coffee I read all you comments.

    I think the election result is disappointing no matter which side you vote for. Because I've lived outside UK for more than 15 years I don't get a vote. So hope it doesn't mean another election. I for one am sick of politics on the tele.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      Thanks for the hugs.
      Enjoy your craft club today. I'm also sick of the politics on the tele.

    2. I can't vote either and so blooming tired of listening on the Tv what they will do for this country. I'm sorry but I don't believe we will see any changes any soon.
      Have a good time at craft club x

  4. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA - Ohhhhhhhh what a beautiful card. I loved your first one and still love that image just as much.

    ATCs - when I first started paper crafting I made quite a few of these little fellas and loved doing them. They are so easy to make and can be such fun. I think a blog swap would be lovely. May I make a request that if it goes ahead can it please be when I'm settled in at Marigny. I HOPE YOU DON'T THINK I'M BEING SELFISH IN ASKING.

    Housework is the order of the day here and trying to empty the laundry basket so I can go away with an easy mind.

    The CAFE is open and for the first time in a week the front door is wedged open as we have a little sunshine and it's dry.

    HUGE HUGS to PAT - I'm sure everything will go to plan.
    Hugs on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Thanks for the hugs. Hope your arrangements are all finalised for Marigny.

    2. Have a nice day, I know I'm a bit late to wish you that but I do it anyway Lol Hope the cleaning went well. Not sure but did you send Sandra some ATC some years ago ? x

  5. I hope all goes well today PAT
    A gorgeous card SANDRA
    I have never made an ATC either and don't mind which way we do it but like LILIAN am conscious of the postage cost for some I don't understand the concept Are they made to advertise our work and therefore we include our contact details etc Or is is just to do a little piece of art?
    Tooth out, gum sore but I'm fine
    Will be back later xx

    1. Hi Karen
      Thanks for the good wishes. I go in at 12.30 but have no idea what time my op is.
      I also don't understand the concept of ATC's and wouldn't even attempt to do anything like that.

    2. Sending you healing hugs Karen, ouch ! xx

  6. Hi Sandra
    Love the Rose Garden dies and the card you've made. However, it's quite similar to the Honey Doo stamp you bought isn't it?.
    Had a lovely play with Sandra flower stamps yesterday. I've done enough for three cards. Plus I had a play as home either lady week or the week before doing some background.
    Thanks for the good wishes re my op. I'm not able to eat anything, and just to drink water up till 11.00 then none after.
    Re ATC's Sandra. I don't mind doing 1 and swapping it. However, I think it'll be to costly to do 12/13 and post out. I wouldn't want to do that many anyhow. 1's plenty for me to get my head around. It's fitting them in around my busy schedule I have now haha.

    1. Hello Pat,
      Just dropped in to wish you all the best, sending big hugs. xxx

    2. PAT wishing you all the best for your operation
      Sending you some love & BIG 🤗🤗🤗🤗's my friend. Take care
      Love Lynda xxx

    3. Thinking of you. Many hugs xx

    4. Pat hope all gone well for you, hugs on

    5. Hi Pat. I hope all went well for you and that you get to be in your own bed tonight. Love and big hugs xxxx

  7. Morning Sandra and everyone,
    This is a beautiful card, love the colours you've used for it. This stamp is similar to the Honey Doo stamp we both got at Ally Pally, but hasn't got all the extra stamps you get with Graceful Garden - Unfortunately. As they look great for building an interesting background, but could equally become the prominent subject .
    Will send you a picture of latest additions to my stash.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love and big hug, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda, hope you have a nice day xx

    2. Sorry Sandra, I didn't say anything about ACT's. I've never made one to be honest. I believe they were an early form of calling card/business handed out by artists, who would have their name on one side and a sample of their art work on the other. If you decide to give it a try I will do my best to produce something. xxx

  8. Hi Sandra. And ladies.

    Ooooh a lovely rose card. Really do like that with the vellum for a soft touch.

    Never tried an atc either. Wouldn't have time to make a whole load either. Sorry Sandra xx

    1. Hi Tracy
      how are you is your back getting any better.
      Sending gentle Hug's xxx

    2. Hope you taking it easy and can get better asap, a bad back is crippling at times. Take care x

  9. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Sandra your card is beautiful so delicate the stamp set is lovely.
    Just started raining got to go Tesco for a few bit's. We had a nice day at my brother & SIL haven't seen them for quite a while they are going on holiday tomorrow for 6 weeks alright for some.
    I have made ATC's before but found them a bit time consuming especially making 12/13. Must go my pet is ready to go Tesco.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda, did you get what you were looking for ? Lol My pet took me to Waitrose for a coffee and a walk around the houses (about 4 miles away) They are building quite a big estate over there. Hope you feet and legs are alright, hugs xx

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Ooooh a magical card ! It is so beautiful, love everything.
    Funny weather here but we managed to have a walk this morning, did a little shop at waitrose and the at home I have made the CC yay Lol and another one for my step-sons partner. Planning to cut out some bits and pieces later for some cards I need to make. One I made ages ago as a CC is going in the post tomorrow, so glad sometimes I have a little stock when you need a card Lol.
    Never made a ATC, have seen some before. 1 I think would be enough for a test run :-) and we have to think about the postage too. I think I could give it a go.
    Son is soon going to work (5pm to 6am) he hate the hours on the Friday but money in his pocket for his holiday.
    Take care everyone ! wish our missing friends could have a minute or two to come in and say Hi, you are all welcome !
    Love and hugs, Maria xxx

  11. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra that is a beautiful card love everything about it. As for ATC's have not come across them will ask Sue when I hopefully see her tomorrow.xxxKaren hope you tooth feels easier & collection goes
    I have been out all day watching Petanque mixed doubles competition, luckily only rained when we stopped for coffee, I find competitions hardworking these days so usually help with organising & I take cakes to sell for funds usually.
    Time now to get dinner so will send hugs to all who need them love

  12. Hi Sandra and all in the Café tonight. I've just popped in to say hi, see if we had any news about Pat and of course to look at Sandra's card, and what a fabulous card it is too. It is in my "Top 3 most beautiful cards anywhere" list, I think that says it all 😁
    I hope you all have a good weekend and the weather is better than it has been
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Pat, Tracy and all in need. Take care xx
