Sunday, 2 March 2025

This weeks crafts...


Good Sunday Morning Ladies,  

What a glorious start to March,  the weather was beautiful yesterday,  we even got the washing almost dry, so lovely seeing it blowing on the line!   I got out in the garden too, only for around 45 minutes as I was shadowing Bella all day,   her new collar arrived yesterday,  just look at this pitiful face.... 

Bless her, my heart breaks seeing her so sad 😞  

I have had a fun week crafting,  creating 2 fun cards and more Thrinchies , I love creating those little squares of art.  

Lets have a look at what you have been making ! 


Karen's Description:

Here’s my version of Thrinchie 3 After 4 attempts I was losing the will I’d get so far and smudge it This isn’t brilliant but it’s all about learning from mistakes I’m a bit cross coz I thought she said 2 1/4” circle but by the look of it it should have been 2 3/4” but like I say I was losing the will 
I used #281 for bird and a Bipasha one #27 instead of chevron Shame they’re both not TE but at least they’re Aall and Create

Karen had the genius idea of creating a 'Botched ' pocket to the front of her Thrinchie album, for those Thrinchies that didn't make the 'cut', I think its a great idea to keep the ones we made mistakes on as this is how we learn.  

Thank you Karen for inspiring us and reminding us that making mistakes is part of the process.  XXX


Lilian's Description:

Here are my thrinchies for this week, 
I used different stamps ,but not sure where some of them came from.
The back ground is far too dark, but it did not want to lighten.
We have been having terrible trouble with our emails, have spent all day trying to get it sorted. Will try something different next week.

I don't think your Thrinchies are too dark, I think they are the  perfect colour to highlight your stamped images.  Look how clearly the stand out. Those embossed flowers are so crisp and every detail is clearly visible.  

Thank you so much for taking part and sharing your amazing Thrinchies XXX 


Maria's Description:

I have been playing with these thrinchies for a few days now and this is it 😊
I used TH inks and stamps from various places. Not sure if they can be classed as thrinchies and they are definitely nothing like yours, Karen or Lilian's 🤭. I had some cut offs from a frame so I went ahead and used them too stamed in similar colour and put a little owl in because it always seems to be a little animal around.  

Maria, once again you have 3 amazing Thrinchies, each completely different,  all 3 incredibly detailed,  I like the combinations of stamps that you have used too.  

Thank you so much for taking part in our Thrinchie Challenge,  I hope you have enjoyed it, you certainly 'aced' the challenge!! XXX 


I hope that you all have a lovely Sunday 

Love and hugs to all of you, 

Sandra xxx 


  1. Poor Bella She does look sorry for herself Hopefully it won’t be too long until she has to stop wearing a collar Those soft ones are a clever idea Almost like a built in pillow!
    Your Thrinchies are amazing ladies
    Yours are definitely not too dark Lilian and I love your layouts an stamps Maria
    This morning is the AGM at the bowls club We didn’t go last year which was a bit farcical apparently So we might be in for a laugh The “oldies” want us “newbies” to be there but aren’t interested in progression like other local clubs This club will fold if we don’t raise money beit by new members joining or putting on events Hey Ho!
    Have a lovely Sunday and hope you have the beautiful sunshine we have
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hello all, another lovely day, I am spending an hour in the garden each day. Any longer and my back starts telling me it’s time to finish. I have been cleaning out my permanent pts and putting a little fertiliser and some compost to top them up.

    Lovely art work again this week, looking forward to Karen’s idea for next week, will have to have a search for some ideas.

    Have a good evening, Lilian

  3. Hi everyone
    Love all the thrinchies today and the ones we have seen over the weeks. It has been fun and really different. I'm happy to do it again one day.
    AHH look at poor Bella, she doesn't look happy. Hope she improves quickly. Forgot yesterday to mention the bagels, they looked really good and are one of my favourites.
    Karen, hope you had a good time with the GMB today.
    Lilian, promise you take it easy. It's been a perfect day to get out in the garden when the sun is out but I can't do much more myself. We have a gardener coming to do the heavy digging over etc. in beginning of April. I quite enjoyed doing that but can't anymore as it would kill me.
    Brenda, wow that was a quick sell . Hope they can get something they like quickly too.
    I had a good day playing with the mixed medium. Not my style really but wanted to try something else. It was messy alright so don't think I try it at home 🤭😂. I had to finish it off at home tho I never finish it at class. I send a photo to you Sandra tomorrow.
    Hoping that you all are ok and had a nice sunny day 😊. Many hugs to you all, Maria xxx
