Tuesday 28 May 2024

Sonia's Card from Karen


Good Morning Ladies, 

Everything back to normal today, it's an odd kind of low feeling when you have been building up to an event for months and its all over in a blink of an eye.  I absolutely loved having my whole family together for more than just a couple of hours.  My sisters too.  The house is eerily quiet today normally Lucy would be home but she was asked to work today so it's just me, I am hoping to here from GP with my blood results,  I hope they don't need me to go in,  well if they do it will have to be tomorrow. 

The weather stayed lovely for us yesterday, it looked like it would rain a couple of times but luckily it missed us, Burford have torrential rain though, so we were lucky. 

Today's I am sharing the card that Karen made for Sonia's Birthday,  although sadly Sonia still hasn't received it. Which is both sad and infuriating, sad for Sonia but disappointing to Karen who took time to make such a lovely card, even worse when its so expensive to post these days too. 

Karen's Description:

My birthday card to Sonia,  I have never used this embossing folder I tried to lightly ink over the top with Picked Raspberry DO

The butterfly is by GUMMIAPAN I made a base for it on ScanNCut.  

Love this card Karen, I know Sonia will too, having the ability to cut petfect mat and layers for dies makes the machine worth every penny. 

Thank you so much for allowing me to share Sonia's card xxx

I hope that you all have a great day,

Janet fingers crossed you get to Knit & Natter my lovely XXX 

Love and hugs to all,

Sandra xxx


  1. Morning everyone
    Beautiful card Karen. Sonia I hope you had a lovely birthday.
    I have everything crossed that I'll be at K&N this afternoon though I'm still suffering very much from my fall across my kitchen floor(ceramic tiles are not a good surface to land on) being black and blue from my hip to thigh on my right side and my feet/legs still swollen. Anyway catching up on gossip etc will be good.
    Huge hugs and love to everyone. Take care and stay safexxxx

  2. Thank you for showing my card I hope it does turn up
    So Maria - I posted yours days later AFTER I posted Sonia’s No wonder we’re losing faith with the whole of the postal service
    Just got in from having nails done Goingvto have a nap this afternoon I am so tired after dancing last night
    Oh Janet I am sorry to hear about your fall I hope you get to knit and natter if only to catch up on the gossip
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Karen, I love your card it’s beautiful 😍 fingers crossed it may still arrive ☺️
    Janet, sorry to hear about your fall, I hope you’re ok and managed to go to knit and natter 🥰
    Fingers crossed you hear from the surgery Sandra 🥰
    We had some rain yesterday while we were at a BBQ, and more today at Barneys training workshop. We got soaked! Home now with the heating on as it’s turned cold too.
    Hope you’re all having a good day
    Sending hugs to you all xx

  4. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Sonia I Love the card you made for Karen, the beautiful butterfly looks ready to take flight. xx
    Had a busy day sorting out hospital appointments. I have two appointments tomorrow at different hospitals one in the morning and the other in the afternoon so both are do able……. Thank goodness.
    Sandra thank you so much for sharing the lovely family wedding photographs, you all look so good I’m sure your sister was so proud of you all.
    Take care everyone, sleep well. Hugs Brenda xxx

  5. Hi everyone
    Karen, a lovely card from you to our Sonia. Hopefully it will turn up.
    I received Sonia's card today. I'm sure some coming later as it was a bank holiday etc. I sent a card for my mum over 2 weeks ago and she still got it the day after mothering Sunday, very annoyed.
    Oh Janet, I wish you better for each day and hoping you are not too sore. Take care and hopefully you manage to get to K & N today.
    Brenda, hoping that you are back home ?
    I didn't do much this morning and before 1pm I went back to bed for a nap, OH woke me at 4.30 ! I guess I needed it but all evening has been in a haze. We just catching up on BGT for a bit and then I think it's bed time again. I hope you all had a good day and will have a good night . Many hugs to you all, Maria xxx
