Tuesday 21 May 2024

Cute little Faux watercolour notelet

Good Morning Ladies, 

How are you all today,  weren't we lucky with another day of sun, it was warm too.  

Janet I do hope you made it to K & N, just getting out of the house can lift your mood.  XXX 

Lilian I hope that your new antibiotics have started working and that you are feeling brighter xxx

Brenda, are you home yet?  I do hope so, there is nothing like your own bed, as well as the quiet, hospitals are noisy places, I've been on wards with some quite colourful characters!  One lady had learning disabilities,  she would call nurses constantly,  at night she'd wander around,  I woke up on a few occasions with her stood over me as I was asleep, I about had a heart attack from the shock!  Then you'd hear all other ladies shouting in shock to find her virtually in bed with you, it started affecting everyones sleep so much they moved her to a side room,  you could still hear her shouting for Nurses,  if it went more than 15 minutes, she'd throw whatever was on her bedside table out into the hallway, plastic cups, the clipboard with her notes, her slippers and shoes, it was frustrating at night but so sad to think how confused her mind must have been. The main issue was she'd had hip replacement and wasn't supposed to walk unaided!!  Poor sweet lady.  

Today's card is a little notelet, I intend to make a set of 4.  This one started by doing 'Faux watercolouring'  I inked my stamp with Pumpkin Pie & Mossy Meadow ink, placed watercolour card in the stamp platform , then spritzed the inked stamp with water, I stamped it then spritzed again and re stamped to get the colours moving a little bit. To make it more interesting I added some tiny splats of Pumpkin pie and crumb cake ink around the flowers.  

I matted and layered the card base, starting with  crumb cake base card, then mats of Early Espresso and a coordinating patterned paper.   I quite like how this one turned out.  I will share the others as I make them. 

I hope that you all have a great Tuesday, 

Love & hugs to all,

Sandra xxx


  1. I love this little notelet idea I would like to create a few to put into that Christine Emberson project I made
    It’s Knit and Natter today at John Lewis So I must get my stuff ready and this afternoon our gardener (OH’s sister) is coming for lunch and sort out our boxes
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hello my lovely friend, Sorry I didn’t get in yesterday I tried several times but just couldn’t get an internet connection, silly really as I next to a window (which I choose to have open/ajar day and night) my simple brain thinks that should allow me a decent signal at all times. Anyway I’m still in hospital and on oxygen and also given a nebuliser every few hours. Doctors keep checking my lung to see if the medication is clearing the fluid. Hopefully later my doctors will decide today if they are going to aspirate. Im in a small ward of six beds, I’m one of the most mobile patients in here, it’s entertaining to say the least. The lady in the next bed is quite demanding and vocal to say the least, (Oh and three of the parents have gone down with Covid, we were all checked last week) yesterday John sat here listening his eyes almost popping out of his head at the carry on, I just keep quiet and bury myself in my book. It’s an education!!! 🤣 🤣 And yes I’m really looking forward to getting home to my own bed.
    Yesterday’s and today’s cards are both gorgeous. You are making me want to get home to my craft room and play.
    It must be getting very exciting now you are on a rundown to Emily’s wedding. What colour are you going to be wearing? Hope you will be able show us some wedding photos. I’m getting excited for you already.
    Have a good day, sending love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  3. Hi everyone
    I love your pretty card today ☺️
    Brenda, so sorry to hear you’re still in hospital. Hoping you’ll be back home soon. Take care 🥰 xx
    Worked for a few hours this morning, but haven’t felt like doing much this afternoon.
    Hope you’re all having a good day
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Very pretty notelet . Great to have at hand when needed.
    Brenda, you take care and hopefully you soon well enough so they will let you go home to John. Hugs
    Lilian, hoping you are clear. What did the doctors say ? Take care.
    Been down to sister in law's today and are now pretty tired. The journey back home was awful with rain non stop and idiots on the road. glad to be back home.
    Sending hugs to you all, take care xx

  5. Hello, late again, very hot heavy weather, but no thunderstorms as predicted.

    Sandra love your little card today, love making small cards.

    All clear at the Drs this morning at last, nNight all Lilian
