Wednesday 29 May 2024

A pretty Bit Box card


Good Wednesday Morning Ladies, 

From damp & gloomy Gloucestershire,  we had showers on and off all day,  it felt chilly too, compared to the warmer days we've had recently,  poor Emily was so hot on Friday and Saturday in her wedding dress, luckily she had a pretty fan on hand to keep her a little bit cooler.  We were so lucky with the weather, we had torrential rain in the days leading up to Friday, thank heavens that the sun shone all day Friday, it was around 23° too, so the photos in the grounds of Bury st Edmunds Abbey should be beautiful, I can't wait to see them all.  

As I am writing this Blog post I still haven't heard back from the GP surgery regarding my Urgent Blood test results from Thursday,  they were supposed to call me with results on Friday, I called in after not hearing by lunchtime, I was told that they were actually back at the Surgery on Friday, however the administrator thought that it would be ok to leave these 'Urgent Blood results' for the Duty GP that requested to look at when she returns to work on Thursday this week !!!!  I politely suggested that they read the notes explaining the reason for the Urgent blood test, they came back saying that they have put the results on the list for the Duty GP to look at, I would get a call in the afternoon,  it is currently 18.43pm and I have heard nothing!  I am beginning to regret the choice of surgery that we made. 

I made today's card yesterday afternoon, I looked on Pinterest for cards that use bits of patterned papers etc so that I can reduce my 'bit box'.  The original was by a lady called Mary Hansen, although there were many variations of this design.  I chose a scrap piece of paper from my 'Masterfully Made' collection, I really love the colours in this set.  

I used 4 small pieces of the paper, 2 of each side, arranged around the edges of a piece of white card that was 3 7/8 x 5 1/8 inch, I then ran the whole piece through an embossing powder for some extra texture.  I layered this piece onto a piece of Pretty Peacock card and then onto a white card base.  I stamped the settings in matching ink and layered it onto a pretty peacock mat and added it to centre of my card. 

I hope that you all have a good day,

Love and hugs,

Sandra  xxx


  1. H Sandra and all looking in. A lovely card by Karen, such a shame it is lost in the post. One I posted to my auntie hasn’t arrived yet but it’s only been 9 days with a first class stamp……!!!😠 Today’s card is another beauty. What pretty papers, the colours are lovely. I hope you get your results today my lovely. I wonder what counts as urgent by the lady who decided to ignore that bit on your results??? Fingers crossed my lovely xx
    Janet, sorry to hear you had an argument with the floor. Sending gentle healing hugs. I hope you manage to get to Knit and natter though xx
    Brenda, thinking of you and spending gentle hugs xx
    I had my diabetic eye check at 9am yesterday and as usual the flashes from the camera triggered an awful migraine so another whole day lost. We have all of the grands today. Chris is taking the three older ones fishing and I have Penny which will be lovely. I hope you all have a good day. Take care. Love Sue xx

  2. Beautiful card and using bits too
    I hope now that you will get help/results for this awful pain etc
    I’m rushing because we’re just setting off to go to London to the Banksy exhibition I have seen some of his street art and have also had a Banksy calendar So looking forward to this
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Lovely card again Sandra those papers are gorgeous and work so well with your layout.
    Sandra I think I would have “lost my rag” with the administrator when you checked in for your urgent test results. I know we have to take responsibility and check when results come back but a little care and compassion from them goes a long way. I hope you get your results today and are offered some relief for all the discomfort you are going through.
    Had my INR appointment this morning and am now waiting to be picked up to go to the Royal Marsden in Sutton. That should take the rest of the afternoon.
    Karen enjoy your day in London at the Banksy exhibition.
    Take care everyone, Big hugs Brenda xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    A very pretty card, lovely papers.
    Hopefully you get some results today, take care.
    Sue, hoping that you are feeling better today. Look after yourself.
    Karen, enjoy the Banksy exhibition.
    Managed to do a washing machine this morning but am exhausted so not doing much else.
    Sending hugs to you all, extra to our Brenda, Janet, Lilian and anyone else who need some . Maria xx

  5. Hello, dry but cold.

    I don’t know what happened to yesterday, I didn’t see the post until this morning, sorry about that.

    Lovely card you are so good , you can turn your hand to any style.
    Hope to do mine tomorrow, will look through my mag for inspiration.

    Glad you have heard from your GP, hope they get your scans through quickly.

    Janet sorry to hear you had a visit to the floor, hope you will feel better soon.

    Had my covid booster today, no effects so far usually I’m fine.

    Sue did you get my card, ? some cards seem to be not being delivered.

    Have a good evening Lilian
