Sunday 19 May 2024

Look what we have all been making...


Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

I know I didn't set another challenge this week, I was afraid that you had all gotten tired of them.  I just like to keep you ladies motivated to get in that Craft room and use all of the wonderful products that you have been excitedly collecting over the past few years, its so easy to keep putting off going in and just having a play with your craft stash.  That's all it can take to reignite your craft passion,  we all get busy with the boring and mundane things in life,  sometimes its stress or trauma or illness that can cause us to close the door on the craft room and find something else to occupy our minds.  Your mobile phone is often the biggest stealer of time ( I know mine is).  I now try to put it away for a couple of hours a day to make myself go and do something creative. 

When we do finish a project and love how it turned out the feeling is amazing,  especially of its a card or gift for a loved one or friend that you know they love.  Sometimes its lovely just to pop a 'RAK' (random act of kindness ) card in the post, let me tell you that the joy of opening a surprise card and reading that someone is thinking about you and knowing that they have sat and made a card for you is INCREDIBLE and makes such a difference to someone's day.  So your 1/2 hour creative session in your craft room can be beneficial to you and the recipient of your creation!  

Now lets see what you have all been making....


Sonia's Description:

I sat and put some cards together this morning. They were all stamped, and inked ready to go with my newest stamps from DarkRoom Door and Penny Black. I’ve used my Lavinia Magical Mica Sprays to add colour. The sentiments are stamped directly to the cards and are from My Favourite Things 😊

Oh its lovely to see you crafting again my lovely! 
Your cards are beautiful,  I really do love that DarkRoom Door daisy stamp. 
That Penny Black simple drawn flower is gorgeous too.  Lovely clean and simple designs. 
Thank you so much for sharing them my lovely XXX 


Lilian's Description:

Hi, hope you are having a good Saturday.

As you can see I bought Kay’s box kit, so although I’m still not better, have made one of the basic cards from the kit.
I didn’t have the correct colour peach to hand and wasn’t able to pull out all my card.
Patterned paper is from the magazine, plain colours are mine.

Oh Lilian,  I kind of knew you would have this magazine,  it really is a good one isn't it?!
I absolutely love your card, its one of the ones that I had earmarked to create, its so much easier having most of what you need in the kit.  Your paper choices from your stash work perfectly with the papers in the kit, you would never know they weren't part of the actual 


Sue's Description:

All new dies that I bought after seeing a lovely card which I can’t find now! I tried to remember it as best I can but it’s not quite right. It’s the first time I have sat at my desk and crafted for so long and my mojo has definitely come back 👏🏻🥰

Lovely to see you are feeling up to crafting again, love the card and love those butterflies.   Thank you for sharing your card XXX 


Maria has made 2 beautiful versions of the fun fold card I shared with you last Saturday.  I absolutely love both versions, the sideways one is a genius idea, I love how that looks, your colouring on that topper is amazing by the way.                                        The second card with Hunkydory topper is so lovely  that Criss-Cross background looks great behind the topper.

Thank you so much for having a go at the fold and for sharing your cards XXX


I hope that you all have a good day, better than mine anyway,  I am in absolute agony with the worst UTI I have had in a while.  😔 Luckily I have antibiotics on hand fingers crossed 🤞 they are the right ones 

My love and hugs to all of you 

Sandra xxxxxx


  1. Hi everyone
    I love the cards on display today, they are all beautiful 😍
    Lilian, you have made great use of the magazine freebies. I love those flowers and I’m thinking I might need to get the magazine too ☺️
    So sorry you’re feeling unwell again Sandra, fingers crossed the antibiotics help and you managed to get some sleep last night 🥰
    Have a good day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Some lovely makes ladies I did do one out of 3 big makes for the challenge but the recipient hasn’t received it yet!
    The 70th party was a huge success Everyone said that they enjoyed it The music was brilliant as was the company I can stop fretting now 🤣
    I will definitely have a slob in front of the tele day
    I hope the antibiotics kick in soon Sandra and that you’re getting better Lilian Take care Brenda too and hope you’re out of hospital
    Take care everyone xx

    1. Glad the party went well and everyone enjoyed themselves 😊 hope you’re relaxing today.
      I think it’s the postal service this end, we seem to go days without anything and then get loads all at once! (I haven’t received Sue’s yet either - I believe she made it while at Sandra’s the other week) Thank you though, I will look forward to receiving your card 😊 xx

  3. Hi everyone
    All beautiful cards and glad to see Sue and Lilian's mojo have returned but take it easy both of you today. Hoping our Brenda is getting better and home from the hospital.Sandra, hope the antibiotics works quickly.Take care everyone.
    A sunny beautiful day so sat outside for a bit this morning. Having sister in law and her hubby up here on Tuesday so started to tidy up a bit already, everything takes double the time these days.
    Have a nice day my friends. Hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all looking in. Love all of the cards you have shared. Always a great inspiration for everyone.
    I hope you start to feel the benefit of the antibiotics very soon my lovely. Such a shame any time but seems worse when you could be out in the garden with Paul, even if it is just to sit and supervise him 😉🤣 Hope Paul is sorted with a suit now. I hope you can relax a little once you have everything sorted xx
    Brenda, sending gentle hugs and hoping that you can get home very soon. Thank goodness you can get to the bathroom rather than having to use a bedpan. Take care dear friend xx
    Lilian, I hope you are continuing to improve little by little. It was great to see your challenge card too. Thank you so much for your very pretty card. As always you get everything just perfect. It was such a lovely surprise, just as Sandra was saying 😁 xx
    Karen, glad to hear that the party went well. No doubt you needed a day to recharge your batteries after it xx
    We had a busy weekend with just two of the grands. We were all busy in the front garden, it is just about done now thankfully. I have had a very lazy day today though. Sending hugs. Take care. Love Sue xx
