Saturday 11 May 2024

Mixed Up Saturday


Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

Let's all keep our fingers crossed that the lovely Sunny weather sees us through the weekend.  It looks like it drops a good 10 degrees from Monday and the rain returns, so another couple of days would be lovely.

Paul is making great progress with the raised beds, we were at the stage of putting netting over yesterday afternoon,  so I got two beds of cabbages, one lot of savoy cabbage, one lot of red cabbage, and some spring greens.  I also planted some Broccoli.  I have Tenderstem Broccoli,  cauliflowers and red sprouts and normal green sprouts waiting to go in, oh and some Kale. Fingers crossed we get something to eat out of it. 

I thought I'd do a quick Step by Step guide as its a Saturday.

Step by Step Guide for a 

Criss-Cross Front Card

I will start by saying you can make these cards any size you like, I chose to do a C6 card (4 1/4  X 5 1/2 inch) 

Start by getting together a Card base your chosen size,  I chose to attach my strips to a panel and then attach that to the card so that all the glued bits are neatly hidden behind the panel. 
So you have your card base, 
A Panel the same size as your card base
6 strips of card  1/2 inch wide  

Take three of your strips and place them onto the panel,  you must make sure that the strip on the side nearest the corner of the card has its edge perfectly aligned with the corner, both top and bottom. 
*Tip:  I found it easier to use low tack tape to keep them in place while I lined up the other side.

You do exactly the same with the strips on the right hand side, making sure that the strips are lined up to those corners 
Tape in place 

It makes it easier to handle if you trim the strips down a bit,  make sure you leave a good inch or so 

You need to score the strips along the fold ofvthe card, so that they neatly fold over the back of the card

Fold the strips over

Then apply adhesive of your choice to the strips. 

You will need to trim any bits of the strip where you have adhered at the corner edges,  (as you fold the strip down over card a little protrudes over the edge)

Now we need to glue the strips together to form a lattice.

Add glue to the areas where the strips cross

The lattice should be one piece now, next trim a the strips so that they line up with the bottom of the card.

Now we stick out lattice panel to our card base 

Apply your adhesive all over the back of your lattice panel and line up with your card base and press down firmly.

There you go, now you get to decorate your card.

I went for a simple design on this first one, partly because I was eager to get out in the sunshine. 

I hope that you enjoy having a go, I can't wait to see your version x


I hope that you all enjoy your weekend, 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. A lovely saying Where would we be without our friends
    Thank you for the technique Very intriguing I would struggle however to a) cut the strips straight and b) to line them up parallel but I’ll give it a try
    Looking after the grandkids this afternoon and they’re staying over Tewinbury park here we come!
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Lovely quote 🥰
    Love your card, thank you for the tutorial.
    Another lovely day, but it’s clouding over now - just as I’ve finished a long day at work! 🙄
    Hope you’re all having a good day.
    Karen, enjoy looking after the grandchildren ☺️
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hi everyone
    Nice saying. Yes like Karen saying, where would we be without our friends. Massive thank you for your blog Sandra 💐
    Good luck to all the vegetables to give you a proper crop later this year. You will be busy 😉
    Thanks for the tutorial how to make this card, it's a lovely card and as soon I feel better I will give it a go.
    Have a great time with your grandsons Karen 🤗
    Sonia, hope you are alright working in this warmer weather , are you off again when the rain comes back 🤭
    Hoping you all have had a nice sunny Saturday. Sender hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all looking in. It really was wonderful to see you on Thursday. And I love today’s tutorial. Wasn’t it funny how I had been talking about how much I like this card style only to see an article about it in my final subscription magazine! Your instructions are way better and I love how you make it so easy to follow with photos for each step. I will definitely be having a go at it. Thank you so much my lovely. I hope you manage to get out into the garden again tomorrow and that you get some delicious vegetables later in the year. You can’t beat the taste can you xx
    Karen, enjoy having the boys over night xx
    Sonia, I can just imagine how annoying it is when the sun goes on as you finish work. I hope you manage to get some time out in it tomorrow xx
    Maria, Lilian, Brenda and Janet I hope that you all feel a bit better each day xx
    We have been busy out in the garden today and will be again tomorrow giving it a good tidy up and prepping the small piece of front garden for some fresh slate chippings to tidy it up. Sleep well. Take care. Love Sue xx
