Monday 6 May 2024

Karen's Snippet No 9


Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you are all enjoying this lovely long weekend,  we were expecting a day of rain today but it was almost as lovely as yesterday,  it did cloud over in the afternoon but was still nice enough to be out in a t shirt.   My goodness what started out as a relaxing day soon turned quite productive !!  I sowed 2 rows of Carrots, then Paul dug a trench for me to plant some Asparagus and then we put in 5 varieties of Rhubarb, we got them all half price at the garden centre, we won't get to enjoy them for a couple of years, but fingers crossed its worth the wait.   Paul carried on filling more beds I returned to the decking to pot up 3 clematis, 2 fuschia, 2 azaleas and planted out a tray of creeping thyme!  

Let me tell you by this point I could barely put one foot in front of the other!  My knees had totally ceased up, I made it into the lounge and collapsed into my recliner,  despite the pain I felt like it had been a good day, I had accomplished something!!  Today will be a lot less active !! 🤣😂

Needless to say I didn't get a card made, I have a pile of 'phd's' that I started on Friday,.  

Thankfully Karen came to my rescue, she had shared a couple of Snippets that she made last week, today I have shared Snippet number 9. 

Karen your Snippet is lovely,  I love the pink in the background,  it works perfectly with the green.  That background stamping is great and draws your eye down the page.  

Thanks so much for allowing me to share your Snippet today my lovely XXX 

I hope that you all enjoy the last day of this long weekend, 

Love & hugs to all of you,

Sandra xxx


  1. Glad I could help - not my best I don’t have the original hare stamp so I stamped the little tiny ones on #756 and scanned it into ScanNCut and enlarged it Although it is a similar size as in Snippet (I think) I think it’s far too big and hasn’t picked up all of the furry detail (down the back) but it was good to play
    Bowls was good yesterday but it did start getting a bit cold At least the rain held off
    Quiet day today
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Love your Snippet Karen, the background is beautiful 😍
    Sounds like you had a busy day in the garden yesterday Sandra, but will be lovely to see everything growing ☺️
    Raining here, so no plans for today. Luke and Hayley are coming over at some point so will be nice spending some time with them.
    Have a good day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hello, first really fine day, warm enough to sit outside for a cup of tea.
    Woke up with awful cough and very sore throat, so not up to doing much. Family have gone back this morning. Missing them already.

    Karen love your card, I would love to do some like this, but I always make a mess.
    Sandra sounds as though you had a very productive day yesterday. Lovely to have home grown vegetables.
    Enjoy the lovely weather if you have it. Lilian.

  4. Hello Everyone,
    We have had a really wet and miserable day today although it has now stopped raining. I was taking to my sister earlier (she is in Leicestershire) they have had a lovely sunny day.
    Sandra pleased you were able to get outside yesterday, your day sounds very productive, hope you’re not paying the price today.
    Karen lovely card, you have shown us some lovely cards using your snippets, adding that splash of pink behind your rabbit is a lovely touch.
    Lillian hope your daughter and family had a safe journey home.
    Sonia enjoy your time with Luke and Hayley.
    Take care everyone, enjoy your evening. Love Brenda xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all looking in.
    Sandra, what a productive day you had yesterday in the garden. I hope your body isn’t protesting too much today my lovely xx
    Karen, love this snippet, Thanks for sharing it. Love the rose in particular xx
    Didn’t do much this afternoon after an early start for another scan. We had lovely weather until late afternoon when it started to rain and got chilly. I hope everyone had a good day. Takecare. Love Sue xx
