Monday 27 May 2024

A Man card Monday

πŸŽ‰πŸŽˆπŸŽ‚ Birthday Maria πŸŽ‚πŸŽˆπŸŽ‰

Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

Please join me in wishing our  Lovely Maria a Vsry Happy Birthday,  I hope you have an amazing day my lovely XXX 

Thank you for all of your lovely comments and messages about how lovely we looked, I am so incredibly proud of our little family, they certainly did us proud.  They did Emily proud too between them, Becca made some amazing Charcuterie Boards for the buffet table, the girls pitched in with making the tables look amazing too, Soph & Lucy did all the signs for bar, cocktails lawn games etc. 

This was the seating area, Paul did those fantastic balloons that were clear, helium filled, he then wrapped tiny fairy lights around them, they looked lovely.

Here is a sneaky peek at our beautiful bride, she looked beautiful bless her. We have a long wait for the official photos but I can't wait to see them.

Today is mostly going to be spent recuperating,  on Thursday morning I honestly didn't think I was going to be able to go, the GP gave me the go ahead as long as I promised to pre check where emergency/urgent care facilities were.  My ribs on the right at the bottom feel so incredibly bruised and laying on the right is now impossible, whatevee it is that's inflamed in my abdomen is taking its toll, eating more than a few bites makes it worse and the pressure on my bladder has that flared up too. I am hoping that the surgery will call me tomorrow to give me blood results. I really hope they get to the bottom of this,  this is the worst its ever been. 

Today I am sharing another card that was featured in the IndigoBlu magazine, I really like this one, it was made using some of the papers, which I added stencilling too, some stamping and paper tearing and a little bit of colouring! 

I hope that you all have an enjoyable Bank Holiday Monday,  It looks likely to be a typical wet BH !! 

Love and hugs to all of you, 

Sandra xxxxxx 


  1. Lovely card I have one Indigoblu magazine and you have inspired me to get it out and have a “play”
    The photos are lovely and Emily looked gorgeous You all did a fabulous job decorating the barn
    I hope the GP rings with the results tomorrow and you can get some relief
    At the moment we have sunshine I wonder how long it will last I didn’t get the sewing done because in all my stash I didn’t have the right colour!
    Might go up to the bowls club later today as it’s an Open Day
    Take care everyone xx

    1. Ooh Nearly forgot Happy Birthday Maria x

  2. Hi everyone
    Happy Birthday Maria, have a wonderful day πŸ₯³πŸ₯‚πŸŽ‚ xx
    I love your card today 😍
    Wow, the barn looks beautiful, so special that you’ve decorated it yourselves.
    Emily looks stunning, as do you and Paul. I bet you’re excited to see all the photos.
    Fingers crossed you’re feeling a little better, and you get to speak to the surgery tomorrow. Take it easy today πŸ₯°
    Have a good day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hi everyone
    Great card. Really like how you made it.
    Beautiful photo of you and the bride, Emily look lovely. The barn look great and beautifully decorated. Hoping that you soon feel better. Sending you some healing hugs x
    Thank you so much for all my beautiful cards and wishes on facebook ladies. 😘
    As it's a bank holiday and it's going to rain we just going in to town for a bit this morning. Spoke to Son and his girlfriend last night and they are paying for a Kines tonight , no cooking yay 😊 My wish was to go to Longleat but a bit far so it might be Whipsnade zoo but will do that another day when we know that the weather will be good.
    Thank you again everyone. Massive of hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    Wishing you a great day even if it’s not at Longleat (there are lots of reasonable priced bed and breakfast places quite near there. I can give you the number of the one we stayed at last year if you want) xx

  5. Hi Sandra and all looking in. A lovely photo of you two with Emily and the barn and decorations all look wonderful. Love the lights over the balloons too. I know it’s more work but I think doing it yourself where you all pitch in with food, decorations etc. is so much more personal and definitely much much cheaper! I hope you aren’t suffering too much today my lovely. I imagine it’s a quite one for you. And fingers crossed you get some results tomorrow that mean you can get rid of this awful pain xx
    I’m all muddled up with the days so couldn’t think why there were two posts for yesterday until I looked properly 🀭
    Have a good day. It quite nice but more rain is forecast for every day this week but at least it’s not cold. Take care. Love Sue xx

  6. Hello, rain again, feel sorry for the holiday makers, although it doesn’t seem as busy as usual.

    Many Happy returns of the day, Maria, hope you had a good day.

    Great card today, hadn’t noticed that one in mag, will have to have another read.

    Glad the wedding went off so well, you all looked lovely including the bride. The barn looked super, love all the lights.

    Have a good evening all, Lilian
