Thursday 23 May 2024

A card in a card

Good Thursday Morning Ladies,

Well didn't it rain?!!! Our gutters could barely cope and when Lucy took me to go surgery the standing water on either side of the road hat joined together making it like driving through a river, it was running like a waterfall in some places! 

Last bit of packing today and we set off for Suffolk for the wedding.  
If I remember everything it will be a miracle!  Fingers crossed I have packed all of the essentials! 

Todays card is a card with a little pocket with another pocket tucked inside it.

It's like having somewhere for a secret message!  The papers are some I've had a while,  I think that they are an Autumn set, I love the colours though.

This shows how pretty the papers are with a little touch of foiling.  I added just one diamanté, for an extra twinkle! 

I hope that you all have a good day,

Love & hugs to all,

Sandra xxx


  1. It certainly did rain didn’t it
    This is a pretty card and idea Would make a great gift card holder too
    I’m supposed to be playing bowls this afternoon It’s dry at the mo so we’ll see
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Love your card, as Karen said it would make a beautiful gift card holder 😍
    Busy day at work today, so not doing much for the rest of the day.
    Safe journey to Suffolk, hope the traffic isn’t too bad 🥰
    Have a good evening everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hi Sandra and all looking in. I love this card. Gorgeous papers and a great little extra card in the pocket. I hope everything goes well my lovely. Everything is crossed for dry weather for tomorrow at least xx
    Had an early start as I had another CMRI at 9am in Oxford. The perfect rush hour traffic. We were lucky with getting a parking space straight away though. I’m off to bed shortly! I hope everyone had s as good day. Take care. Love Sue xx

  4. Hi everyone
    Gorgeous card Sandra. The colour is lush.
    Hopefully you have everything together and that the journey be fine. Also hoping that you be alright.
    No energy for anything today so haven't done much, hoping to make a card tomorrow.
    Sending many hugs to you all, take care. Maria xxx

  5. Lovely card today Sandra the colour is so lovely and rich.
    Hope the journey went well. Enjoy the time with your sister it’s going to mean so much to her having you there and giving her your sisterly love and support, it will be a very memorable time for you both. Thinking of you xxx
    I’m still in hospital but maybe going home tomorrow if not definitely the weekend. Fingers crossed 🤞
    Take care, Hugs Brenda xxx
