Monday 20 May 2024

A pretty scene card


Goid Monday Morning Ladies

Here we are at the start of a new week, its going to be a busy one for us with the wedding this Friday and Saturday!  I still have no shoes! We went suit/shirt and tie shopping yesterday, what a palava, were in Next over an hour and half,  if the jacket and waistcoat were perfect they didn't have the trousers, then we found a pairif trousers a d a waistcoat that looked amazing but no jacket in stock. I have ordered one of the ones we liked and it 'should ' be here by Wednesday!!

Today's card is a quick one I put together when we got back from shopping.  I was inspired by a couple of Pinterest cards.

I used my Meandering Meadows papers,  I layered it with some matching card (Mossy Meadow) which I embossed, I added a small strip of brown card with some twine wrapped around for some interest.  The papers are so pretty they deserve to be the main feature.  

Brenda I hope that you are home and that your procedure has you feeling better xxx

I hope that you all have a great start to the week,

Love & hugs to you All,

Sandra xxx


  1. Hi everyone
    I love your card, the papers are beautiful and make for a stunning card 😊
    I can imagine you’re all excited for your Sisters wedding, it will be a lovely weekend.
    Have a good day everyone whatever you’re doing
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Hi Sandra and all looking in. A great card, what a lovely scene. I wouldn’t have thought to emboss the plain strip but love how the texture adds that extra something. I hope you manage to get your shoes and Pauls jacket without any problems my lovely xx
    Brenda, I hope you are feeling better now. Getting home always helps doesn’t it. Sending you gentle hugs xx
    I hope everyone has a good day.
    I am off to Pops to help complete some paperwork so that’s my day sorted. Take care. Love Sue xx

  3. Lovely card I wouldn’t have thought to emboss a plain strip of card either
    Ooh please try and get some shoes soon so that you have a chance to wear them in a little Good luck with the jacket too That is the good thing about Next you can buy various sizes to make a suit but it’s ensuring that the sizes are in stock!
    Take care everyone xx

  4. Hi, another lovely sunny day, with just a light shower this afternoon.
    Am beginning to get better I think, although my A/F has decided to play up again. Hoping it’s because I have reduce my steroids, and that it will settle down again.

    Love today’s card as the others have said , genius idea to emboss the side strip. I have some of those papers, must dig them out and use them.

    Brenda do hope things are improving, it’s horrible having to stay in hospital, no matter how nice they are.

    Another visit to the Dr tomorrow, so waiting to see if my lungs have cleared.
    Have a good evening all, Sandra hope the shopping has worked out ok. Lilian

  5. Hi everyone
    Beautiful scenery on your card, very pretty. Hoping you soon got everything sorted for the wedding, jacket, shoes etc
    Hoping your day have been nice and sunny. After some shopping this morning I did sit outside for a while. Spoke to my parents , dad has at last agreed to sell their mobile home. He's going to go stircrazy but hopefully they be alright.
    Sending many hugs to you all, Maria xxx
