Saturday 7 September 2024

Sophie's Card for Paul


Good Saturday Morning Ladies,  

I hope that the weather is going to be kind to you all this weekend,  as I am writing this we are expecting a night of Thunder storms, so hopefully it will clear the skies and we get a calm enough day to get one last day on the beach.  We have booked to go out for dinner tonight and then tomorrow we will stop at our favourite Chicken place on the way to the airport.  

This is the card Sophie made for Paul for his birthday,  apart from Jungle Book being on of our favourite films,  Paul always tans super fast on holiday so when he got back to work after holiday his Lads took to referring to him as 'Mohgli' !!  So if you zoom in you will see that Soph has turned us all into Jungle book characters.   Her cards always make you smile,  she is so incredibly talented 


Lilian's Description:

Hi ,here are the pics of my new cushions, unfortunately the cushion pads are not very good shape,although they are brand new, hoping they will flatten over time.

I bought a meter off fabric it’s a Tim Holtz design called Eclectic elements— abandoned

Lilian,  I love the fabric, the cushion go perfectly with your throw too.  Thanks so much for sharing them with us XXX 

I hope that you all have a great weekend  

Love and hugs to all of you, 

Sandra xxx 


  1. Enjoy your last couple of days That has gone so quickly
    Today’s saying is so true
    Sophie’s card is amazing She is so talented
    I love your cushions Lilian I didn’t know Tim Holtz did fabric I will be googling that later
    I need to try and at least start a couple of cards today but mojo has taken a bit of a walk I am so tired all of the time OH is convinced it’s long covid!
    Tomorrow we are doing Harefield Hospital Fun run So I must look out the T-shirt backs too
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Love the card for Paul, it's great 👍
    The cushion covers you have made Lilian the cushion covers are gorgeous, I love the colours. They fit your sofa very well.❤️
    Hate having a messy craft room too but like the saying as it's very true 😂
    We are back from Bournemouth, it was a nice little break from the norm only sad the weather was so bad but we had a hour walk down the seafront before going home today which was nice 🙂.
    I hope that you all are alright and having a good weekend. Many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  3. Hello everyone, raining again.

    That saying is so true, I’m determined to tidy up after each paper crafting, so that I can use my sewing machine.
    Just seen that they are going to put the post up again, first going up by 30p to £1.65. Large up by 50p to £2.60. On the 7th of October.
    Love Paul’s card, very clever of Sophie.
    Going to have Kentucky chicken for tea, back aching that’s my excuse.
    Hope your last few days of the hols are very enjoyable, how quickly the time goes by.
    Hugs to all, have a good Saturday evening. Lilian

    large going up by 50p, to £2.60

  4. Hi everyone
    Sophie’s card is fabulous 😊 I love it 😊
    Lilian, I love your cushion covers, the fabric is lovely 😊 They fit perfectly with your sofa.
    It doesn’t seem possible that your holiday is nearly over, it’s gone so quickly!
    Maria, shame about the weather on your break. It really has turned hasn’t it? I hope you had a nice time though.
    Have a good evening
    Hugs to you all xx

  5. Hi Sandra and all looking in. It’s great to see Sophs card for Paul. As always it is stunning. I love seeing you all I as different characters 🥰🥰
    It doesn’t seem like you only have s couple of days left. I hope you manage to get into the sea again xx
    Lilian your cushions look fabulous on the sofa. I love the colours in the fabric. Do you like the envelope style cover? Would you make morThank e in the same way? Thank you for sharing them xx
    Maria sorry to hear you had bad weather while you were away xx
    Karen it’s good to hear you had a lovely time with your bowling friends xx
    Oi had a blooming migraine when I woke up so haven’t done anything today. I just have the usual after effects now. I hope you all had a good day. Take care. Love Sue xx
