Monday 23 September 2024

My Beautiful Birthday card from Maria


Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

Welcome to the start of another week, seems crazy that next Monday is the last day of September, it feels like we only got back from holiday last week!   We start the first of the wedding planning visits next weekend,  we are going with Becca to Hereford to the place that her Wedding Tipi is coming from, I think she paid for the event,  it showcases the Tipi's fully decorated and event ready, I believe we have drinks and canapés too.  I am going armed with a list of questions from Matt who is providing all of the sound and lighting equipment for Becca for her special day (he has worked with a chap that has an event planning company for years, he does it whenever he iisn't working and really enjoys it,  he is 100% a people pleaser.   He provided all of the fancy effects that made Emily's day extra special too).    It makes it all a bit more real now that the organising has started, dress shopping starts next ☺️😁

Today I am sharing the beautiful card that Our Maria made for my birthday,  I absolutely love it, between this card and Karen's stencilled card I have really got the urge to get some of these stencils and have a go!  

The photo doesn't do the card justice, the colours are so beautiful and vibrant and the stencilling is flawless,  I love the composition too with the butterflies flying over the beautiful flowers. 

Thank you SO much for such a beautiful card Maria I love it and will treasure it always XXX

I think we have more heavy rain forecast today,  I hope you manage to avoid it wherever you are.

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra XXX 


  1. Hi Sandra and all looking in. Gorgeous cards yesterday ladies. You each made fabulous cards. I have to thank Sandra again for all of her help with my card otherwise it would have been launched into the rubbish bin several times during its construction!!!
    Sandra, you will have some very special times making wonderful memories with Becca over the next few months with all of the wedding planning 🥰
    We have a very dear family member coming to stay today for a few days. There will be lots of laughter and lots of tears too as her and Mum were very close. I hope you all have a good day and are safe from the awful weather. It is pouring here and has been for most of the night. Take extra care. Love Sue xx

  2. Hi everyone, from a misty Wales.
    It seems to be clearing now, and the forecast doesn’t look as bad as what we thought it was going to be, fingers crossed ☺️ Whatever the weather though, it’s nice to be somewhere quiet and relaxing!
    Your birthday card from Maria is beautiful 😍
    I can imagine you’re all excited to start the wedding planning, such a wonderful time and many memories will be made ❤️
    I hope everyone is keeping well
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Your card is beautiful Maria
    I am really enjoying using my layered stencils It’s making me use my DO more readily
    Enjoy the wedding preparations Just take a breath every now and again 🤣
    Craftea was quite busy I thought the weather might have put people off
    I am so tired I didn’t sleep very well last night The rain kept me awake
    So a little nap is the order of the day
    Take care everyone xx

  4. Hi everyone
    Glad you like the card Sandra. I had fun doing it, I tried with different colours but they went in the bin 🤭
    I , .will take a photo of the platform that I'm using.
    It's absolutely pouring down today here in MK 🫤 but I wanted to go to Hobbycraft this morning to see if they had some canvas boards for my crystal works. To get them framed costing more than I like to pay .
    Lilian, hope that you have hot water again. They do charge for coming out a lot 😞
    Sonia, have a nice break and enjoy yourself. What do you like to do when it's bad weather ?
    Brenda,, hope you are alright. Take care.
    Going to call my parents now and see how they are. Dad still haven't heard about his toes . Nurses coming in twice a day and changing the dressing. Mum taking his socks off or that would cost extra 😣🫤
    Have a good day everyone and try not to be drenched if going out.
    Many hugs to you all , Maria xx

  5. Hello Sandra and everyone. Maria, what a beautiful card you created for Sandra’s birthday.
    Sandra, enjoy all the preparations for Becca’s wedding. You will be creating such wonderful memories. I speak from experience having two daughters and we planed each wedding together. so many wonderful experiences were created. I created a memory box saving samples of wedding and bridesmaids dresses. elder daughter made all of the wedding and bridesmaids dresses they were beautiful. She even designed her own dress and we had a pattern professionally made as she couldn’t find what she wanted in the pattern books then adapted the same pattern for her sisters dress. You would never have known the same pattern was used.
    Thank you Maria I’m fine. Life has been a little bit fraught recently. If you follow the news, the company our younger daughter worked for has gone into administration. She had worked for them for over 25 years and they have been told if they want redundancy, they have to apply to the government And as she says that means that we as taxpayers will be paying their redundancy it’s such a very sad situation, and as she pointed out some of the employees are located abroad and they will have to finance their return to the UK. others have company cars and they were told to stop using them as the finance company would be collecting them ASAP. When you have a company car you use it for the whole family taking children to school, shopping etc. It’s just such a sad situation. Fortunately daughter said they will cope and her husband will just have to do more taxi runs! Last week he was crossing Westminster Bridge and somebody decided to do a U-turn and went into the side of him. What did they say it never rains, but it pours.
    Sorry I did go on a bit there 🫢
    Take care everyone, Big Hugs, Brenda xxx

  6. Hello All, it’s been dry but very chilly, washing didn’t dry much, so it’s back to using the tumble dryer.
    Maria love your card, I have the Sizzex stamp platform as well, I’ve not tried any of the stencils, but love the adapter for circle stamping. When I see your cards makes me think I must get some of the stencils.

    Still no hot water, I don’t know how long it takes to get a spare part, you realise how great hot water on tap is.

    Sandra enjoy the wedding planner, savour every moment, it goes by so quickly.
    Have a good evening all, Lilian
