Saturday 1 June 2024

Mixed Up Saturday


Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

Let's Welcome June, hopefully she'll bring us some warm sunshine to nourish our plants and generally make life feel a bit better, you just can't beat a sunny day, it really does lift your mood. 

I hope that the sun manages to find you today, I think we have a mostly cloudy day but there is no rain forecast so we'll take that as a win!  

I have a new card fold for you, this one is called ....

Book Bind Easel Fold

It is literally an Easel card with a 'Book Bind' edge. 

These are the measurements for each layer

This is the base of the card with two folds @ 4 1/4 & 5 1/2 inches 

Give the score lines a good burnish with your bone folder.  

Before we stick the 'Book Bind' edge I found it easier to do the Easel score first.  A good way to get the fold in the right place is to line up the very tip of the card and the point that the fold will finish over the score line on your score board, I find it easier on my trimmer, I can use the score blade on my trimmer or run a score tool along. 

Add glue to the scored area, this will create the Book Bind edge.

This is how it should look. 

You could use decorative papers but I used Versamark and one of the stamps from 'Inked & Tiled' stamp set to give a more subtle 'watermark ' effect  (I had totally forgotten about this technique until I saw a lady called Leanne Griff do it on Pinterest) 

This is my two mat layers all inked.

I stuck the narrow spine mat first.

When it comes to the main piece remember to ONLY glue the lower half of the card (or your easel won't 'Easel' ) 🤣

I stamped my focal piece and adhered it onto its mat and stuck that centrally on the stamped layer.

Now add the insert, I stamped leaves as a base for my Easel stopper. 

I stamped a flower from the same stamp set Nd found a random die that kind of matched up,  I then used a foam mat to give the flower some shape, I added foam pads to the back and put a contrasting resin dot in the centre and added it to my card base.

I added the sentiment in matching colours 

I added the same colour resin dots to the edge of the card too. 

That's it, a fun fold that's quite simple to create and can be used with so many different stamps or decorative papers too. 

Will you have  go?? 


Maria has very kindly shared this absolutely incredible Crystal Art piece, this huge piece featuring some majestic looking wolves is Maria's largest Crtstal Art piece so far.  
I can see why you enjoy them so much Maria,  what an amazing achievement!!  Thank you so much for sharing it with us XXX 

I hope that you all enjoy this first day of June, 

Love & hugs to all,



  1. Hi Sandra and everyone looking in today. Oh yes don’t we all know that crafty saying 🤭🤭
    I hope June bring a lots of sunny days and rainy nights so everything can flourish. Enjoy getting out in the garden my lovely xx
    I don’t think I have seen this type of easel fold before. It’s going onto the “Will try” list. Love the colours you used and the watermark stamping look. A beautiful card xx
    I have to do ironing then will get to my desk 🤞🏼
    Brenda and Janet, I’m thinking of you both xx
    Have a great day. Take care. Love Sue xx

  2. Hi everyone
    A fabulous card. Love it. Like Sue it is a fold I like to do.🥰
    OH can always tell me how much I spent on my therapy 🤭😊
    Thanks for showing my wolf crystal art. I'm on to the next one 😉 . Having a quiet day infront of the tv. Still stomach cramps, feeling sick and cold too, when are we going to get any warmer weather.
    Happy birthday to little Teddy, how can he be 1 already 🤗
    Have a nice Saturday everyone. Hugs to you all, Maria xx

  3. A great saying and I will definitely have a try of this technique
    This “jive” weekend is … shall I say …different! But it makes a change I suppose
    Take care everyone xx
