Monday 10 June 2024

Pretty Green & White card


Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

As this week ends it will be half way through June, where are these months disappearing to?!  Becca is hosting a BBQ this weekend to celebrate her 30th Birthday and Fathers Day, so that's something to look forward to, its at Bull Burford so we know food will be good.  It will be lovely to catch up with Becca's friends too, we haven't seen some of them for ages.  Next thought is 'What shall I wear' ?? 

Today I am sharing the card I made for my Sister's Wedding,  the colour theme of the wedding was Green & White, so I went with that combination fir the card too.  Quite a simple design, Em isn't a frilly fancy kind of girl so I kept it simple but still pretty. 

TicTacToe:  Shades of one colour/ embossing/ flower

Next card on my list....30th Birthday card !  

I hope that you all have a great week ahead,

Love and hugs to all,

Sandra xxx


  1. Hi Sandra and all looking in today. What a beautiful card to start the week. You chose a gorgeous shade of green. The great thing about making cards yourself is being able to customise exactly to suit the recipient. This card will definitely be loved by your sister and her new husband xx
    I hope everyone has a good week. I’ve had a mixed week but hopefully today will be quieter and easier.
    Take care. Love Sue xx

  2. Hello all, sunny but windy and cold, 8deg this morning, back to my porridge.

    Sandra what a beautiful card for your sister and her hubby, lovely keepsake.
    Not sure what I’ve got to do this week, hoping to try Sandra’s card that you showed us on Saturday. Not very good at measuring.

    Hope you all have a good day, Lilian

  3. Hi everyone
    Love your beautiful card 😍 Emily and Mat will treasure it ☺️
    Lovely that you have Becca’s BBQ to look forward to at the weekend.
    Hope everyone is having a good day
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    A very pretty card Sandra , gorgeous green.
    Funny weather and definitely not warm for this time of year. I'm still wearing my fleecy some time of the day. Had a injection in my hip today so are taking it easy.
    Hope you are alright and have a good day. Many hugs to you all, Maria xx

  5. Hello Sandra and everyone, what a gorgeous card you made for your sister and brother in law’s wedding, I love the beautiful soft green colour.
    Not done very much today, been busy doing nothing as they say, just pottering about indoors.
    Hope you have all had a good day.
    Love and hugs Brenda xxx
