Tuesday 11 June 2024

A trick for 'busy' papers


Good Morning Ladies, 

Wasn't sure if yesterday was going to be a 'write off' of a day after starting another bout of Uti symptoms on Sunday, the pain was off the scale!  I dosed up on cystitis relief powders and took an antibiotic ( this is what they were prescribed for) I am guessing it was 'Mother Nature's Gift ' that caused the issue,  I am guessing its not an actual uti but a flare up of my Interstitial Cystitis (painful bladder syndrome).  Thankfully the pain had subsided through the night, although I was exhausted with the frequent visits to bathroom that is also a symptom, after Paul got up at 6am I did get back to sleep for an hour or so,  which I was grateful for as I had the worst headache, properly from tiredness as that was my 3rd night of not being able to sleep.  I did call GP for advice but as I write this post I have still not had a call, mind you getting the receptionist to understand that my diagnosis/problems around uti means that no pharmacist can treat my symptoms, the only antibiotic they prescribe is Nitrofarantoin, which is now listed as an allergy on my notes. The pharmacist himself explained it all to me and bless him he called surgery to back me up. 

So my craft desk beckoned, I had no idea what to create, I then saw a post featuring a sketch that used an offcut of paper so I had a play, the paper I have used is very busy, far too fussy to use as a background,  so I took a piece of it and adhered it to a piece of card the same size as a card base, after allowing a little time to dry I ran it through an embossing folder which made the two pieces look like they were meant to be together, 

To embellish this card I tried a couple of different things but settled on some flowers that I fussy cut from the paper I used and a die cut leaf stem.  
Tip:  to eradicate the white edge when fussy cutting take aome ink the same colour family as the item you are fussy cutting a dauber or dry baby wipe and add a touch of ink around the cut edges. 
I joined two sentiments together to create a longer border type sentiment,  getting them lined up was a bit of a trial but cracked it in the end by using a ruler to align them. 
Something a little bit different and a great way to use those fussy papers.

I hope that you all have a good day, 

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Hi Sandra and all looking in today. I love today’s card and how you have made it. Running the sentiment along an angle, embossing paper and card together and using pretty but busy papers, aren’t the rich colours gorgeous, are all such great ideas. I have lots of busy but pretty papers which would work in this way so thank you for the inspiration.
    I hope you have managed to get some sleep my lovely xx
    I’m not sure what I’m going to be doing today apart from a swim later on. Have a good day whatever you do everyone. Take care. Love Sue xx

  2. Hi everyone
    A gorgeous card. Great way to use a piece of busy paper. Love it.
    Hopefully you can get some relief and some better nights.
    Wishing you all a good day whatever you are doing. Many hugs to you all, Maria xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Love your card, a great way to use a ‘busy’ paper.
    I hope you’re feeling better soon and manage to get some rest
    Have a good rest of the day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello all, the sun is shining, but it’s freezing cold. So disappointing. Still the towels have dried well.

    Today’s card is really clever, love the idea of embossing the two papers together. Have loads of patterned papers that I can’t use, so this will be a good idea to try.
    Hope you’re feeling better today and that you manage to get some sleep tonight.

    Have a good day all, I’m watching the tennis from Nottingham.

  5. I am so sorry at being late today and missed yesterday I looked in and then obviously forgot to comment
    Your wedding card for your sister and Matt was lovely Such a beautiful keepsake
    Todays card is beautiful I love the patterned paper and is too fussy You have framed it beautifully and to use some of the flowers as embellishments is genius
    I hope you are beginning to feel better x
    Take care everyone xx
