Sunday 9 June 2024


Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

We were treated to some lovely sunshine yesterday afternoon which was a welcome bonus.  I hope that you were all treated to some too.  We didn't do anything exciting,  food shopping in the morning and garden jobs in the afternoon, I don't understand why food shopping takes so long, especially as we are quite boring and tend to buy the same things each week!  

I enjoyed making cards using the TicTacToe grid this week as you can see.  Let's have a look and see if you enjoyed it too....


TicTacToe Categories: 

Bold Sentiment/ Shades of One colour/ Stamping 

Maria made this amazing version of the Book Fold Easel card that I shared with you last Saturday. 
I really love that beautiful paper you have used, it literally looks like you have done a lovely Distress Ink blended background.  That die cut you used for the stopper is lovely too.

Thank you so much for having a go at the tutorial, it makes it so worthwhile. 
Thanks also for taking part in this weeks challenge XXX 


Karen's Description:

1) Here’s a card for the challenge 
Bold sentiment - Patterned paper (a la Serif) - Shades of one colour.

2)  Here’s a Christmas card 
Bold sentiment - Patterned paper (a la Serif it has Merry Christmas running through it) shades of one colour 
I can’t remember which die company the sentiment is from.

Love this card Karen,  how funny that you and Maria both chose green!
The paper looks like you have created it yourself,  I think your hand drawn border makes the whole card,  that sentiment is lovely,  is that Serif or a stamp?

I really love your Christmas card too,  the sentiment is lovely and works so well with that lovely subtle background 😍 

Thank you so much for taking part in this weeks challenge Karen, particularly as its been  tough week,  sending hugs XXX 


Lilian's Description:

Hi, here is my page for this week:
I used , flowers/ circles/ stencilling. I used my ephemeral books for the butterfly and flowers. Added a bit of colour with pit pastel pencils. The background is from the stamping up papers.

Oh Lilian what a gorgeous journal page, that SU paper is the perfect background to your flower, at first I thought it was all one paper.  That flower is beautiful,  it has so much detail.  The colours match the butterflies perfectly too. 

Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful card with us for this weeks challenge. XXX


Thank you so much once again Ladies, I am so grateful that you take part ❤️

Sending love & huge to all,



  1. We had a lovely day yesterday I love people watching especially somewhere like London where it’s more OTT The concert was lovely It was in a beautiful church and the musicians were fantastic I don’t particularly like classical music but truly admire the musicians skills - no conductor and no microphones Very powerful
    The weather was mixed It was dry but got chilly in places
    The cards/journal pieces look lovely The sentiment on the Father’s Day card is from Serif and seeing the photo you are right Sandra it needed that hand drawn border
    We have nothing planned for today All of the walking we did yesterday has taken its toll a bit on the old hips
    I am currently sitting in our summer house enjoying a cuppa and breakfast The heat through the windows is wonderful on the old bones
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hello, sunny here but very chilly wind. Joints are really aching this morning, managed to put the vacuum cleaner around but don’t think I shall do much more. Lamb shanks for dinner tonight, so not much work in those.

    Lovely cards everyone, will try and do some more this week. Hoping to make some new cushion covers this afternoon while I’m watching the tennis final from France.

    R playing at church this morning, so I’d better find something for lunch.
    Have a good Sunday all, Lilian

  3. Hi everyone
    Lovely tic tac toe cards and journal page. Fun to do again.😊
    Not sure what happened to my comment yesterday but didn't go and then it posted just now 🤭
    Weather is really weird at the moment and no sun today with a chilly wind so have hanged the washing indoors.
    Glad you had a good evening in London Karen. Take it easy today.
    Hope you all have a nice day whatever you do. Many hugs to you all, Maria xx

  4. Hi everyone
    I love your beautiful cards and Lilian’s journal page 😍
    It was lovely and sunny this morning, but clouded over and turned really cold now! Or maybe it’s just me.
    Nothing planned for this afternoon
    Hope you’re all having a good day
    Sending hugs to you all xxx
