Monday 1 July 2024

Sue's Anniversary Aperture card


Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

I can hardly believe I'm saying this, but here go. Welcome July !! 

It barely seems a couple of weeks ago that we were getting ready for Emily's wedding and that was in May !!  Sadly the weather isn't what you'd hope ot would be for July,  watching the weather last night the chap said we'd be lucky to make it to 20° for the next week or so!  So don't pack your jumpers away!

We had a very relaxed weekend,  Paul mowed lawns,  did some wood chipping to get rid of his prunings!  I did very little, i just couldn't summon up the energy, despite having 3 nights with no getting up to go to bathroom 😁

Sue kindly shared the lovely card that she made last weekend for Chris for their 38th Wedding Anniversary.

I love the clean & simple design you have used, its so pretty but not 'too much ' so totally great for a man card. You could change the accent colour and add a pretty rose to make it work for a lady too. It never ceases to amaze me how much a few scored lines add to a card, now my question is.....'Did you score the lines before or after die cutting the heart?? I would say after as the score lines look very crisp and putting them through die cutter would distort the embossing a little. I also really like the Navy & White combination its so clean and crisp! Is that Anna Marie Designs Dotty card I spy??   

Thanks for sharing your Anniversary card Sue its lovely, I'm sure Chris appreciated it too.


I hope that you all have a great start to your week,

Love and hugs to all of you, 



  1. Beautiful card Sue I love the CAS style
    I am enjoying the cooler weather and so is my diabetes and urticaria pigmentosa 🤣 I am sure the weatherman said that it’s still warmer than average!
    Off to Craftea this morning I need to scour the charity shops for a red top too for a red white and blue event we’re going to on Thursday
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    A gorgeous CAS card. I love it Sue and so will your Chris.
    I don't mind the weather here being in its twenties but how come it's so much warmer in rest of Europe. My parents had + 30c yesterday and mum wasn't happy for her breathing is bad so struggling a bit.
    Sitting in Frost and having a cuppa and luckily I took a thin cardie on because their aircon is blasting.
    Karen, take care and have a great day.
    Have a good day everyone and many hugs to you all, extras for anyone who need some. Maria xx

  3. Hello all, raining this morning but the sun is shining now.
    The family have gone home, the weekend just flew by.

    Sue I love your card, so professional looking. Unusual navr spot card, I have a lot of spot card but never seen navy.

    Been watching the tennis, love Wimbledon, used to go, but not able now and daughter didn’t get any tickets in the draw this year.

    Hope you have a good evening all, Lilian

  4. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Sue what a lovely card you made for Chris, it's so clean and fresh I’m sure he loved it.
    Today hasn’t been as warm as over the weekend but I was still able to enjoy being out in the garden for a while. I can always find something that needs my attention and of course the tomatoes in the greenhouse need checking everyday. But apart from that I haven’t done very much.
    Hope your day has been good.
    Take care everyone, love Brenda xxx
