Friday 5 July 2024

Some more older cards


Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Sorry for another day of older cards, I was in bed most of the day again yesterday, the Nurse from the surgery eventually called yesterday morning (not Thursday as promised) she confirmed that i did have a Uti  and that she had prescribed antibiotics,  luckily I already had some and had started taking them.  Thankfully the Bladder Clinic was still able to give me my treatment!   One thing I did discover is that you cannot take the Cystitis Relief powders if you have heart disease!  

The cards above are more versions of aperture cards, the first one is one of Sonia's, I love the layout and the colours and the 3rd one is one of Karen's.   The striplets make great aperture cards, Karen used some beautiful papers behind that striplet die, it has made a great card for any occasion.  

I hope that you all have a great Friday,  we are off the Dudley for the weekend to use our Black Country Museum annual passes.  

Love & hugs to all of you,

Sandra xxx


  1. Wow! What a reminder! It looks like I carefully placed Nuvo drops too
    I am so sorry to hear that you have another UTI let alone how bad it is
    Poop! I didn’t know about the cystitis powders either I am going to bin mine!
    The builders are here So I’d better crack on and get dressed
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Great cards, lovely to see them again.
    Please 🙏 let you feel better soon. Sending you and to anyone else who need some extra hugs and wishes for a better day today.
    After leaving a very wet Colchester this morning we were very lucky it's stopped long enough for a walk down the seafront in Southend. We went out on the train on the longest pier in the world and it was lovely just sitting people watching for a while.
    Karen, hope the work goes well in the house and have a great time with Charlie.
    Many hugs to you all, Maria xx
