Wednesday 17 July 2024

A memory from Brenda


Good Wednesday Morning Ladies,  

We are half way through the week already and in fact half way through July, which is so crazy, we looked at the Calendar yesterday and worked our that it is just over four weeks until we go on holiday!  

I had planned for yesterday to be a quiet day as I had a very bad reaction to something at around 1.30am that set my AF off in to its worst episode to date,  I had been to bathroom as I felt oddly bloated, after I finished I had that tell tale burn feeling but this time the burn travelled down my legs and up my back, I was terrified,  then my tinnitus went into overdrive (which  always happens if i am unwell) and then my AF started and boy it did not want to stop, I made it back to bed ans tried all the different methods of relaxation & trying to calm breathing but it was just getting faster, I honestly thought I was going to have a heart attack!  I managed to wake Paul to let him know we may need to go to A&E , he stirred but his arm over me a patted my leg, then went back to sleep!  I started sipping water and thought id try and distract my mind,  so I set to completing 4 New York Times crosswords,  I felt the burning start to ease a little,  then by about 3.30am my AF did start to slow down, I think I must have nodded off around 4am.   I think it must have been a reaction to something,  I had a new night time tea around 9pm, so maybe it was that, there were some different herbs in it so it could have been that.   Needless to say I felt like a zombie yesterday but Lucy had planned to go to ikea, I felt so guilty saying no, so we went, we didn't leave until around noon though, so no rushing around.  Boy was I exhausted when we got home.  Hopefully that will mean I can sleep better 😴.

Now reading Brenda talking about Dog sitting and being around for Grandchildren,  I guessed it may have been Ciara, I was shocked when Brenda said she was 18,  (I could have wrong GC though) anyway I still imagine Ciara as a little girl that loved her crafting.   This made me think back to cards that Brenda made for Ciara that were perfectly suited to her crafty hobby!  

How beautiful is this card from July 2017?  Brenda's colouring is beautiful and the Sweet sugarplum coloured card in the background works so well with the stamped image.  I bet Ciara still has this lovely card in a keepsake box somewhere.

Brenda I hope you were ok with this little trip down Memory Lane xxx

I hope that you all have a lovely Wednesday 

Love & hugs

Sandra xxx 


  1. Oh Brenda That is so pretty I cannot believe Ciara is 18! Where has that time gone!
    How scary and dangerous your AF sounded I bet it was this new tea I have a friend that always insists that natural ingredients are safe I have to remind her to be careful suggesting things for people to take not knowing what medication they are on and that natural ingredients can cause side effects Bin those tea bags now!🤣
    One bathroom is just about finished (yay!) except we’ve decided the sink is too wide and impinges the door slightly so that is being replaced!
    Bowls match this evening and I hope to craft whilst OH takes car to be MOT’d 🤞
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Love the card that our Brenda made. Hope you are alright x
    That sound very scary Sandra reg the AF and everything. If you think it is the tea I wouldn't have it again.,take care .
    Sending hugs to you all and wish you a nice day, Maria xx

  3. Hi everyone
    A great card from Brenda, lovely to go back down memory lane ☺️
    I hope you had a better night last night 🥰 It must’ve been so scary for you. I agree, bin those tea bags and go back to your normal ones.
    Have a good day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    I started a comment this morning while waiting for transport to pick me up and take me to the Royal Marsden but wasn’t expecting them for another hour, had almost completed a long comment and guess what - the ambulance arrived early! Needless to say………. Well I lost it !! Every department I had to attend was running late and I didn’t get back home until after 6.30. The good news is all is well 👍😀👏 I haven’t got to go back for three months.
    I had to smile when I saw this card on the blog this morning and yes she still has it. I was looking for something in Debbie’s kitchen at the weekend one of the drawers had lots of in cards that had made for the children and this was one of them…… what a spooky, coincidence !!!
    I hope your AF has settled down and you have had a good day and get a good nights sleep tonight. It’s so annoying when our brain goes into overdrive the minute we get into bed Try thinking calming thoughts and deep breathing, it works for me.
    Hope everyone has had a good day, take care and stay safe.
    Good night everyone, love Brenda xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all looking in. Oh my goodness my lovely your AF sounded so bad. It does make you think that those tea bags need to be in the bin. There are so many things that could affect you , I know we often say how we could get funny reactions due to the amounts and types of drugs that we both take. I hope you manage to get a good nights sleep tonight or at least no AF or any thing 🤞🏼 xx
    Brenda, What a beautiful card but like the others I still think of Ciara being that little girl who put amazing details on the cards she made down to the bar code on the back. The years just fly by don’t they. It’s wonderful to hear that all is well you don’t need to go back to hospital for three months 👍 xx
    Still seeing Pop in hospital. Docs are stil monitoring him to decide where he needs to go.
    Sending love to you all. Take care Sue xx

  6. Evening all, dry and sunny but a persistent chilly breeze.

    Sandra sorry you’ve had trouble with your AF again, hope it’s settled down now.
    Brenda lovely card, your colouring is beautiful, looks so natural.

    No tennis to watch now, until the Olympic Games, so haven’t been doing much.
    Goodnight all, sleep well, Lilian
