Thursday 19 September 2024

Autumn Distress Oxide card (pt 2)


Good Thursday Morning Ladies, 

We had a very gloomy start to yesterday,  to the point I was going to wear a thick jumper, luckily I didn’t as Lucy and I went out for brunch and the sun was so warm, it was like a summers day ☀️.  We had a lovely day out, browsing round the shops.

Today I am sharing the second of my two Autumnal Distress cards, this one is Distress Oxides, so much more subtle in colour.  

I have to say that I am really surprised at the difference in colour between the two ...

They are both exactly the same shades of distress...

Fossilised Amber, Abandoned Coral & Spiced Marmalade.  

The Distress inks are so much richer in the depth of colour, which is why I have been tending to reach for them rather than oxides recently but I have to say that blending with Oxides is SO much easier as they have such a creamy texture it just glides on the card. 

I can't pick a favourite,  they are both lovely in their own way but I feel that Distress inks are more Autumnal.   

What do you all think? Do you have a preference?

I hope that you all have a lovely day, 

Love & huge hugs to all of you,

Sandra xxx


  1. Both are beautiful I haven’t got a favourite I don’t have many of either and I don’t use them as much as I should
    The visit to the dentist went extremely well She was lovely and really put me at ease I need a lot of work - mainly repair work to existing fillings etc
    I hope to make at least one card today
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi, love your cards, think I like the original inks better, though I use both as you say the oxides blend better.
    Sorry I missed yesterday, somehow I didn’t even look at any of the blogs I normally read.

    Tried another card yesterday, but had to bin it, the colouring was terrible, my hands are so shaky now. Hoping to do another one this afternoon.
    Nice easy dinner tonight, chicken legs , salad and jacket potatoes. With Sainsburys taste the difference coleslaw. Cooked enough for tonight and cold for lunch tomorrow.
    It’s warm here , but quite windy, R cutting the grass before the rains come at the weekend.
    Have noticed spiders are making there way in, had one crawling up my leg yesterday, ugh.
    Have a good rest of the day whatever you’re doing. Lilian

  3. Hi everyone
    Fabulous looking card, I love the stronger colours from the inks then the oxides give. Must practice with them all to see what's suit together.
    Oh please no large spiders for me, I will run a mile. The one I had in my bathroom in Sri Lanka has scared me for life. I hate them.
    Couldn't do much again today so a bit flustered because I love to make a card. Fingers crossed for a better day tomorrow. We just going to Frost in the morning so afternoon is free for crafting.
    Hoping that you all have had a good day. Take care and sleep well Hugs,. Maria xxx
