
Monday 8 January 2024

Just like that we're home!


Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

Well where did that long weekend go?!  We left on Thursday morning and the time has just flown!  Now apart from the little niggles (🤣)  I can honestly say that I love and appreciate every single moment I get with Paul, we have laughed so much this weekend, we were lucky enough to see 2 amazing shows both of which we enjoyed immensely.  

My Hero managed to bodge up my wheelchair with Cable ties, scissors and tape provided by the lovely lady on Reception at the hotel.  We didn't think it would hold but I should have had more faith, I was thinking it would be my weight that would cause the issue not necessarily Paul's repair!!  We took it steady but we made it the 3 miles to Marble Arch bus stop, I have never been so happy to see the bus and our car!                                                                    That's it for us for a while, all back to normal today,  feels a little bit sad but I'm sure we'll think of something to look forward to. 

Today's card was made using the "One Horse Open Sleigh " papers from SU, I simply made a z fold card using the opposite side of the printed scenes, the card base is Misty Moonlight card, I made a mat using white card and inking it to match that soft peachy glow in the winter sky on the paper.  I added a sentiment and a piece of ribbon to finish the card, I wanted to bow tails to almost frame the sentiment.  

I hope that you all have a fantastic start to the week, 

Love & hugs to all, 

Sandra xxx


  1. Hi everyone
    I love today’s card. The papers are beautiful and perfect for making stunning cards 😍
    So happy you and Paul had a lovely time away, despite the hiccups.
    I’m off to Dorset this morning to pick up James. I’m looking forward to seeing Teddy again, it’s only been a week since I last saw him, but it seems longer than that! ☺️
    I hope you all had a good weekend.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. As Sonia has said those papers do make stunning cards
    I am so pleased you are home safe and sound I hope you can get the wheelchair repaired OK
    Your weekend sounded amazing
    Off to hospital in a mo for a repeat CT scan Although I get more breathless I hope nothing has changed too drastically in the past year
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone. What a beautiful card, I love those papers. It’s good to see a different card fold too. I’m glad you enjoyed the shows. So annoying that you had several issues though.
    I’m taking it easy, not a hope of doing anything but with Chris and Gem watching me like hawks, bless them 🥰 We had our Christmas on Saturday, just the 3 of us and I saw Phoebe, Paige and Chris jnr yesterday for an hour, Penny has a cold so couldn’t come round, it was wonderful to see them but an hour was enough. Sending hugs to all that are not at their best and thank you for the hugs etc. Take care. Love Sue xx

  4. Love the papers you have used today they coordinate beautifully and give a very classy look to your card. It is really lovely.
    Must look at SU catalogue, maybe hiding my bank card while I am
    Great that Paul managed to do a temporary fix on your wheelchair, he deserves to be called a hero. You already knew that anyway 😍
    I hope that it didn’t spoil your time in London, it certainly made it memorable. And at the end of the day you were able to enjoy your time together and have a good laugh. XX
    Take care everyone and sleep well, love Brenda xxx

  5. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card, gorgeous papers you have used for it
    Glad you back home.
    Sue, just take it easy and rest. Sending special hugs for you and for anyone who need some
    Had our bedroom carpet down today so OH and I moved the king-size bed back and the massive mattress, not an easy job but it's done.
    Sleep well everyone, take care xxx
