
Tuesday 9 January 2024

Old die Challenge card 1

Good Morning Ladies, 

We slipped back into the every day routine fairly smoothly, I ached pretty badly but that was to be expected,  I had a really sore throat too, maybe from singing and laughing at the Peter Kay show.  I was amazed that a huge crowd singing 'For hands that do dishes that are as soft as your face, Mild green....Fairy liquid" could sound so harmonious, it was surprising how many of those old adds we remembered, the power of advertising!! 

I made a fair mess yesterday afternoon by getting all my old dies out, I also got my 'messy drawer' out, it has a lot of odd bits of die sets in, I did match some of them up with their sets, which was a bonus.  I had a nightmare trying to decide what to use for this Challenge, in the end I picked a pretty little set of Crafters Companion Border dies, I layered the different edges with Cream and Petal Pink card.  The base card is Cream card 5 x 5 inch, I used a new embossing folder called 'Softly Sophisticated' to emboss the background on Petal Pink card.  I pop my layered border piece onto foam pads, I added a piece Petal Pink/gold edged ribbon and placed it on the left hand side of the card.  I tied a bow out of the same ribbon and placed on the ribbon I added earlier.  I found a pretty little floral oval die in my messy drawer and die cut that in cream card, I picked a small oval and added a sentiment stamped in VersaMark and embossed with Gold Embossing powder.  To finish the card I added a few small gold dots.  

I hope that you all manage to stay warm in this very cold weather,  I know our Sonia saw snow on the way back from Dorset, we had a couple flakes (as I am writing this) but it didn't come to anything. 

Sending my love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                    xxxxxx 


  1. Hi everyone
    I love your card 😍 I have a similar crafters companion border die, I’ll have to look for it 😊
    Hope you’re feeling better from the aches and pains and your sore throat doesn’t develop into anything worse 🥰
    I can’t believe how cold it’s turned! The wind is biting 🥶 We had a bit of snow yesterday - started just as we got on the motorway and was still snowing when we got home. Fortunately it wasn’t too heavy, but enough to leave a layer on the patio furniture.
    Hope you’re all managing to stay warm - think this cold spell is forecast to last a few days.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. I thought I’d already posted a comment
    Lovely card and has reminded me of some Spellbinder edge dies I have
    Had to go to GP to sort out my repeat prescription that Boots had requested but the GP hadn’t fulfilled I know the system to request repeats is changing (nationally I think and easier I hope) but so frustrating - if I hadn’t questioned Boot’s I would have left it and ran out of meds Grrgh!
    Out dancing tonight
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi all. A pretty card today. I love the soft colours you have used. I have several edger dies but very rarely use them but they add a lovely finish don’t they. Must try and remember to use them. I hope your throat is feeling better today. What a great reason for it to be sore though. Old adverts do stick in our minds don’t they. Not sure today’s will be remembered in 50 odd years to come!
    We had a quick flurry of snow for about 20 mins last night but that was it. I had to have bloods done today and it was freezing just going from home to car etc.
    I hope you all have a good day. Take care . Love Sue xx

  4. Hello, we had a few light snow flakes this morning.
    I had a Drs appointment this morning, been waiting since the end of November. I get so short of breath that I’m not able to do anything some days. Not very helpful, just increased my Ramopril, hope that helps. Have another lot of blood test in two weeks.

    Sandra love today’s cards, those papers are really so useful, as are the pastel colours. You have really got in the groove since Christmas. I’m afraid I’m finding it very difficult to dig out my bits and pieces and starting to craft.

    It’s so cold here, heating on day and night, our boiler is in the garage, so as a safety measure there is a thermostat in there, so if it falls below 2deg,it brings the heating on.
    Karen hope you have an enjoyable time out dancing.
    Goodnight all Lilian

  5. Hi everyone
    Gorgeous card, like the soft pastel colour and the pretty edger die.
    We also had a bit of snow yesterday but didn't stay. Had to defrost the car this morning tho before we went in to town for our holiday hair cuts. Hoping to see plenty more of snow from Saturday in Zell.
    Hope you staying warm and well and wrap up if going out.
    Lilian, hope you feeling better soon and Sue, good to hear you are improving but do take care. Many hugs to you all, Maria xx

  6. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Beautiful card, think I have these dies in my stash, love how you have mixed the pink and cream they really work well together.
    We had a few snowflakes yesterday fortunately it didn’t settle, to be honest if you blinked you would have missed them! But it has been so cold, I have been avoiding going outside, I am not a cold weather person.
    Sandra I hope your throat hasn’t got any worse, hopefully it was just caused by being in crowded places, and not a virus or anything like that.
    Take care everyone, sleep well, love Brenda xxx
