
Sunday 7 January 2024

It all turned out ok Until......!


Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

I hope today finds you as well as can be expected 😊 

Well what a day yesterday turned out to be,  we navigated the underground to Greenwich North with ease, the chap at Bobd Street station was very helpful.  We arrived in plenty of time, too much time as it happens,  we were going to ride the Sky Lift thing but there was a huge queue so we decided not to as we may not get back in time.  We went and had some food and then we saw that customer services was open so we made our way through security,  blimey they are thorough,  luckily they were the lady was more interested in searching my pockets than Paul or the wheelchair so we managed to get our 2 bottles of water and fruit sherbets through.  While we were waiting for doors to open we were people watching (we love it) the people coming through security,  well there was one security lady that was extra vigilant,  if people had any bottles of drink she made them empty them, so people were guzzling their bottles of drink, she also confiscated their sweets, open or closed, whole box of Maltesers from one lady,  another was told to hand over her sweets, so she opened them and consumed them in front of her, offering them to everyone around her 🤣😂.  The security lady wasn't happy at all!   To be honest I get that they have to be cautios for everyones safety but I doubt anyone would commit 'harey carey' with a bag of munchies !!!

I cannot praise the lovely ladies at customer services enough,  I explained the ticket problem, that Matt had booked accessible seat thinking it was step free for wheelchair user, she said no problem and went to look, the show was a sell out as expected but she managed to change our seats to absolutely fantastic seats, way better than our original ones, we were right as you go in the door, with a great view. I couldn't have thanked her enough,  we facetimed matt to let him know that there were no problems and he was thrilled to know that we got such great seats!! 

The show was absolutely hilarious, I was laughing so much I had tears rolling down my face, it was lovely to see Paul in hysterics too, the crowd got so involved ib singing old advert songs that it gave me Goosebumps!!  We have never seen a comedian live but now we have done it once we have got to book another, although I don't like them when they are too rude!   But if you can get tickets for Peter Kay please go and see him, his humour is like a tonic.  

Now the couldn’t be more dramatic,  we left the 02 and were told to go straight to front of the queue of hundreds of people waiting to get down to tube station,  we were let in and joined the queue for the lift down to the platform,  we went to the wheelchair access area of the platform and the tube arrived in seconds, I counted down our stops and we were ready to get off when we we arrived at Bond Street, however,  I'm not sure if the driver didn't park at the station on the right spot as the drop was so high to the platform,  Paul didn't realise how far down the platform was and pushed me forwards, we soon realised as i was virtually tipped out but luckily it was into standing position due to how steep it was, there wasn't a guard or help on the whole platform.  Anyway we readjusted and carried on,  got out of the station via three different lifts and we were back at Bond street, we set off for the 1/2 to 3/4 hour walk to hotel,  it was around 12.15 am, we made it down to the Palace theatre where we where yesterday, so new it was another 20 + minutes to walk, Paul crossed the very uneven road and carried on a few more steps....then we heard an odd noise and the front right hand wheel of my wheelchair was at a very odd angle, I got out, thankfully I had my crutches, it was a hell of a struggle but I was left with no option but to walk back to our hotel, by the time we got back to our room I was that cold it hurt and I could barely lift my right to move it another step!! WHY, now, why me!! 

The dilemma we are left in is HOW to we get from Covent Garden (Drury Lane) to Marble arch, with a large holdall, full backpack and a broken wheelchair??? Oh and me, who is definitely feeling the physical strain and exhaustion!!!  I reckon it might be a taxi, someone won't be happy,  although he did say that he might go and ask the builders that are doing the renovations at the hotel if they can help. 

Today's card I made on Wednesday,  I used some pretty blue papers called 'Countryside inn' dsp for the background,  mixed with Night of Navy card base and a lighter blue mat, the pretty flowers & foliage are from a Stamp & Die set called "Timeless Arrangements" . 

I hope you all have a lovely Sunday my lovely friends,  I will update you as and when I can,

Love and endless hugs to all,

Sandra                                                                    xxxxxx 


  1. Pretty card Sandra
    What a shame your journey back to the hotel ended up with a broken wheelchair Treat yourselves to a taxi - you’re allowed to treat yourselves After all, how often do you do this journey
    Take care everyone - off to get my breakfast out of the fridge and leisurely deicide what we’re doing today xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card Sandra.
    Oh boy, your trip to London has been adventured before but never anything like this. I really hope that you both are alright and that the wheelchair is okay until you get home.
    Have a good day today.
    I'm still sorting out some of my crafting stuff, it does take some time to get through it all. Do find things I haven't seen for ages or some I never used so they be good for the challenges.
    Hoping you all have a nice day and feeling better by every day if you not been hundred percent. Thinking of you all. Hugs to you all and extras to our Sue. xxx

  3. Hello, sunshine atlas, seems ages since we had a dry day.
    Very cold this morning, heavy frost.

    So sorry your journey was upset last night, hope you are both ok and not suffering to badly.
    Glad you enjoyed the theatre, at the moment a comic would be the last thing I would like.

    Lovely card today Sandra , such pretty colours.

    All for today hugs to all. Lilian

  4. Hi everyone
    I love your beautiful card today 😍
    So sorry to hear that your evening ended the way it did 🙁 what a nightmare for both of you. Now I know you’re safely on your way home, it must be a relief for you both. I’m so glad you both enjoyed Peter Kay, and you and Paul spent some quality time together ☺️
    Have a good evening everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx
