
Monday 9 October 2023

Sonia's Gorgeous Christmas card


Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

Welcome to the start of another week, the weekend simply vanished into thin air, I will say that we weren't rushing around to get things done though. 

We did a run to the tip to get rid of some cardboard, then went into Cirencester to pick up so groceries,  the car sent us a different route home, we went through Bibury, a beautiful Cotswold village, it was a beautiful sunny afternoon so I will let you imagine how busy it was, it would have been perfect had we not had frozen bits in the shopping,  we will go back, especially as its only about 8 miles away.  

Todays I am sharing the card that Sonia made for our Sunday display, I decided not to do it this week so I am sharing Sonia's gorgeous Christmas card today. 

Sonia's Description:

Same style as the one last week. I used a Sue Wilson snowflake striplet die. The snowflakes are The Stamp Market, as is the stamped sentiment. The Peace die cut is from Reverse Confetti.

Absolutely gorgeous Sonia, the green gems in the snowflakes centres works great with the Kraft card too.  Thank you so much for more Christmas card inspiration XXX

I hope you all have a great start to the week,

Love and hugs to all,

Sandra xxx


  1. I know what you mean about the weekend Ours flew by too
    Your card is gorgeous Sonia I have that Striplet die and although O have “played” with it I don’t think I have ever used it to make a card It was one of those “I like that card I’ll treat myself” moments You have encouraged me to get it out again
    Daughter is coming to fetch her dress in a mo to get the shop to properly steam it and then I hope to go to our library as they have a “Craftea” morning That’s if it is still on
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Morning everyone
    Beautiful x-mas card Sonia, I like the snowflakes. Hope you had a lovely weekend and lots of cuddles with you gorgeous grandson.
    Karen, you have been so busy lately with everything for the wedding. Love to see what you made. Hope you managed to go for the craft tea this morning.
    Beautiful villages in your area Sandra, love seeing the photos.
    I'm still busy with moving the crafts out of my upcoming craftroom. Not sure where to keep it all and I have a little parcel from Craftstach coming soon, oopsie what can one do ....
    Many hugs to you all, extras for anyone not feeling 100%. Have a good day xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Thank you for sharing my card 😊
    I’ll admit it’s not a die I use often, but after using it on this card, and seeing how pretty it is, I will definitely be using it again. Will be great for batch making cards too I think 😊
    The weekends always go so quickly don’t they? Had lots of cuddles with Teddy yesterday, he’s grown so much, but still as adorable 🥰
    We were treated to a lovely roast dinner, cooked by Mollie’s step Dad, it was delicious 😊
    I hope you all had a good weekend, and a good day today
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello Sandra and everyone
    Just realised I haven’t left a comment on the blog today. No excuses!
    Sonia your card is lovely, the snowflake Striplet die is perfect for batch making seasonal cards something we will all appreciate. Thank you for sharing xx
    Sleep well everyone, Hugs Brenda xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all looking in.
    Sonia I love your card, so pretty. Glad you got a Teddy fix yesterday and a dinner thrown in xx
    Sandra glad you gavent been flat out this weekend and have found another beautiful Cotswold village xx
    I’ve had a day in bed. Joints are really bad at the moment! Sleep well everyone. Take care love Sue xx

  6. Hello, lovely warm sunny day here.

    Sonia love your Christmas card, I love the traditional cards.
    Also loved your photo on face book of Teddy, he is growing up so fast, he has a gorgeous smile.
    Not much doing here today, spent most of the day catching up with ironing, have to keep having a break because of my back. Finished all the bedding washed and ironed ready for when daughter comes next time.

    Hoping to do some crafting tomorrow, not sure what yet. Lilian
