
Sunday 8 October 2023

Maria's latest makes


Good Sunday Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you are all enjoying a relaxed Sunday, do you have anything planned??  

For us its more unpacking, Paul got all of the shelves built for our Pantry yesterday,  so I can start getting that organised now, everything got moved over in Boxes and shopping bags, so I just need to sort it all out and get it organised into categories before deciding where to put everything! 

We made a start on the Craft room/office too, I managed to move my desk from one side of my craft unit to the other so that it sits under the window rather than in the middle of the room, I am just waiting for the glue to dry so that the leg support one, as I folded the leg back up to prepare to move, I discovered that the screws holding the leg onto the desk had totally detached, the chipboard that they screw into had totally disintegrated, whixh is disgusting when you think that the unit cost £1.700 !!!  

I will be glad to get everything in its place that I can tell you. 

Today I am sharing Maria's latest cards, these three cards are what Maria created when she went to the Craft shop for a class last weekend.  

Maria's Description:

Christmas nearing very quickly so nice to be to a craft shop in Bedford. Easy cards for batch making.  Gnomes are really in this year too.

The cup one is by Koko....... 🤭 can't remember the rest, sorry. You all might see one for x- mas 😊

Maria I love all three of your cards, the Gnomes are super cute, they do definitely seem to be popular again this year both in stamp sets and home decor.

Thank you so much for sharing your recent makes with us my Lovely XXX 

Tomorrow I will be sharing Sonia's latest Christmas card too.

I hope that you all have an enjoyable Sunday,

Love and hugs to all of you 

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx 



  1. Your cards are gorgeous Marie I have a set of Karen Burniston gnome dies which I will be using for some of my Christmas cards again
    The boxes will slowly unravel and be put away Don’t rush
    We’re going to a meeting later at the bowls club to find out about a trip they are planning to “Potters” next summer It’ll be nice to have a bit of a catchup now that the season has finished I am (hopefully) just about to cut the last items for the wedding and thread them onto ribbon I think that’s it then as far as the stationary goes
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Love your cards Maria 😍 The sparkly Christmas trees are beautiful and the gnomes are cute 😊
    I’m looking forward to Teddy cuddles today as we’re taking James to Dorset ☺️
    Hope the unpacking continues to go well, be lovely when it’s all done.
    Have a good day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hi Sandra and all looking in.
    Maria your cards are great. I love the beautiful shiny trees against the dark background on the first one and those gnomes are so cute. How far is the Bedford craft shop from you and is it new? Xx
    Sandra, Getting the pantry sorted will make a big difference for you won’t it. It’s quite a long job deciding where things will go but when you have finished you will be so happy. And the same with your craft room. This is the longest you have ever been unable to craft, apart from holidays of course but you will be straight and ready to go soon my lovely xx
    We had s slight change of plans today and I am just having a breather with a cup of tea now the house is empty of grandchildren. I hope to get to my craft desk in a while once my poor old brain has had a rest!
    I hope you all have the same lovely weather today. Take care love Sue xx

  4. Hi everyone
    Thank you for sharing my cards today Sandra and happy that you ladies like them. 😊 Sue, Bedford is only about 30 minutes drive from home. The place I went to have closed down their shop but still running a few classes in a business park. It was a lady by stamp addicts who was holding it and for £ 10, I like to go again as long OH don't mind to wait. I guess I will have to take him for the Carvery afterwards.🤭😂
    Today I have been busy with moving "stuff" around, at the moment it's all around my side of our bed but starting go get a bit tight. Heating from the bedroom radiator will have to be out of bounds as their are stamps in some boxes 😉 made that mistake once before and they had melted, oops 😞 Your kallax unit looks good Sandra, hopefully it won't be too hard to put together.
    Hope you all have had a lovely day with family and grandchildren. It was nice and sunny here, hope you had the same. Have a nice evening. Many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  5. Hello, lovely sunny autumn day, chilly morning and evening.

    Maria what delightful cards, love the sparkling Christmas trees.
    Determined to get some crafting done this, at the moment, my table is covered with paper pads.
    Sandra hope things are falling into shape now, take it easy.
    Family have gone home now, so very quiet here again.
    Hope you have had a good couple of days. Lilian
