
Tuesday 10 October 2023

A colourful Birthday card

Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope today finds you well,  gentle hugs on their way to anyone that needs one. 🫂

We had a very productive day yesterday,  we (well mostly I) got my craft storage (kallax) unit built, it was a lot bigger than I had in my mind, I just need to add doors and drawers to the centre shelves, my arms and back gave out after getting the actual unit built, I needed Paul for the parts that needed 'brut force'!  When Paul finished work we put his new desk together (he used to use the Dining table) but we have a separate dining room now, thank goodness!!! We just need to figure the exact placement of everything, that seems to be the hardest part! 

Today's card was an experiment with colours, I inked my card in Distress Inks and the used the matching Embossing Glaze (powder).  It really enhanced the colour and gave a lovely shine to the embossed areas, I am always amazed at how you can transform a white piece of paper into something so colourful. Its not perfect, we can call it rustic!  Great idea for cards for men though.

I hope that you all have an amazing day today,

Love and hugs to all,

Sandra                                                                    xxxxxx 


  1. A great card and as you’ve said a great card for men It fits the bill for all ages too
    It must be a lovely feeling to make a real start on sorting things out
    The Craftea session was lovely My friend that started it up was really pleased to see me The library are so helpful at accommodating the group There must have been about 14 ladies there You take your own projects to do - I took crochet Some ladies were knitting, some with a loom, some crochet, some beading and some doing patchwork Sometimes they have 24 ladies turn up There is even a resources room where you can learn to use a Cricut (I’m not sure if there are other electronic cutting machines)
    I will definitely go back
    I must shorten my trousers today! So that’s my crafting sorted for today!
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    I love your card, and the colours you’ve used 😊
    Glad you got your unit built, will be great when you’ve got everything in it.
    Karen, glad you enjoyed the craft afternoon yesterday.
    Not long back from collecting James from Dorset. Couldn’t stay long as had to get him home for a driving lesson. I still had time for cuddles with Teddy 🥰 He absolutely melted my heart when he smiled at me 😍😍
    Hope you’re all having a good day
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hi everyone
    Fabulous coloured card Sandra.
    Don't forget to take photos as you go for I'm sure we all want to see your rooms.
    Karen, nice to go out and craft with others. Glad you had a nice time.
    Lilian, slowly you go. Do you still have the cleaner ? Maybe she could do some ironing to help.
    Janet, hope you are alright.
    Brenda, everything ok with you ?
    Sue, I know bless you how hard it is somedays but hoping you had a better day today.
    Had to go to city this morning but back home straight into sorting out more of my things. Don't know how you managed it to move Sandra for I'm sure you got more than me 😜
    No paper crafting from me this week but trying to finish a couple of crystals tonight.
    Have a good evening everyone. Many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  4. Hello All, Misty this morning , but sunny later.

    Sandra your card is great ,love the colours, I have that embossing folder somewhere, I dig it out and have a go like yours.

    Hope you are all well, hugs to all Lilian

  5. Hello Sandra and everyone
    Love how you have used this embossing folder and the colours you have used it enhance it.
    Lilian I hope you are recovering from your injury with the cupboard door, take care xx
    Sue are you starting to feel better, hope you are taking things easy and not trying to take on to much.
    Maria I admire your patience, I wouldn’t be able to cope with Crystal Art, my fingers are not nimble enough. Your finished canvases always look beautiful.
    Janet hope all is well with you and Jim. xx
    Sonia so pleased you managed to have a cuddle with Teddy, I’m sure you treasured every moment.
    Lynda how are you? Hope you are keeping well. xx
    Hope everyone is having a good evening, Love Brenda xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all looking in. I so happy to see you have your craft stash sorted enough to make this great card. I love the colours you have used and the ef are both perfect for the men and boys. I’m looking forward to seeing your new storage. It must have been so easy compared to your craft unit. Now that was a struggle wasn’t it. I remember us trying to work out the instructions! Finding homes for everything really is the hard part isn’t it. Just when I get it right I buy something else that causes another reshuffle but I think most of us have that problem 😏 Having a separate dining room/breakfast room and it is a decent size is something that you are all enjoying again aren’t you xx
    Karen, your craft club sounds great and really good. We have one in the village similar to yours, you take your own project. The main issue is that it starts at 9 am which means such an early start for me. I might make it one day though xx
    Lilian, if your cleaner doesn’t do ironing is she able to recommend someone? It would save you so much pain, if you stretch to it. I hope the pain doesn’t stop you getting some sleep tonight xx
    I had a wasted afternoon. Sat down to make two cards and have managed to tidy my desk enough to give me a reasonable space to craft, then spent well over an hour looking at Pinterest for idea but didn’t find any that really grabbed me, out a few bits and found some sentiments stamps (but realised I need to get some that are more suitable!) Had a break to have dinner and chatted with Chris, Gem and Phoebe who had popped in for an hour. Sat back at my desk but gave up and came up to bed. Going to try again tomorrow when I hope to be more productive 🤞
    Sleep well and take care. Love Sue xx
