
Wednesday 11 October 2023

Lovely Beach Scene by Sue


Good Morning Ladies, 

Happy 'Hump Day'!  We had another lovely day yesterday, the weather was delightful,  Lucy and I popped to Cheltenham to do a little shopping,  we were both surprised that it was such a nice town centre, there were no rows of empty shops that had doorways full of homeless people like there is in Swindon,  we felt relaxed walking along the street where in Swindon we were always a little on edge.  There were some lovely little boutique shops, there is also an amazing Restaurant/Entertainment area with a great selection of restaurants,  crazy golf, cinema etc. It would be perfect for a Date Night.

Today we are having our haircut, we have cancelled a few times due to covid etc. The girls are looking forward to having a trim!  Not sure what else they have planned.  

Today's I am sharing the card that Sue made for my birthday, 'Peace' was the perfect sentiment,  the beach is my place for peace and tranquility.  This has to be the best seascape scene that either of us made, the definition of the waves is fantastic,  the colours are perfect too.  Thank you so much XXX

I hope that you all have a lovely day, 

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                    xxxxxx 


  1. Hi everyone
    A beautiful card from Sue, love the beach scene 😊
    Glad you had a nice day with Lucy yesterday.
    Not doing much today apart from some housework! My mojo has gone awol so won’t even be crafting 😔
    Have a good day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Sue’s card is perfect for you It’s a gorgeous scene How is it created
    I will be doing the last few bits of housework today in readiness for collecting my aunt tomorrow My craft room has been practically packed away for now So I’m left with a bit of crochet to do in the living room
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Beautiful beach scene. You can just dream looking out over the horizon.
    It has been a funny morning here with messages back and fourth between our Son and his girlfriend. As they won't be able to make it over until tomorrow night now after a big fire at Luton, all flights are cancelled. Luckily they are here for over a month.
    I wish you all a beautiful day. Many hugs, Maria xx

  4. Hello, a real grey day, raining this evening.

    Sue love your beach card, so real looking. Thank you for my lovely card.

    Actually managed a card today, hoping to do something in my art journal tomorrow, if inspiration flows.

    Hoping the unpacking is going well, and your had a good hair cut today.

    Hugs to all, Lilian

  5. Hello Sandra and everyone
    Sandra your card from Sue is lovely, the beach with the waves lapping it look so tranquil. Sue did you use a die or an embossing folder and what is it called?
    Sandra your shopping trip with Lucy sounds lovely.
    Hope you are all feeling good after having your haircut.
    Maria sorry to hear your son and girlfriend have been delayed, hope everything goes well tomorrow for you all.
    Take care everyone, Sweet dreams, love Brenda xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all looking in. It’s always a little shock when I see one of my cards here. I knew just who was getting my first card made using the wonderful stamps from ? (I will come back with the company name!) and what sentiment to use. I did struggle with getting the sea/sky to be brighter but I was pleased with the way of adding grey under the waves made them stand out more. Nice for you and Lucy to go exploring your new surroundings. I haven’t been to Cheltenham for years. We used to go quite often when one of Chris’s sisters lived near by. We all loved Kit Williams bubble blowing clock in the inside shopping centre. I assume it is still there.
    See you tomorrow my lovely xx
    I’ve had a busy day with one thing and another but haven’t been able to get to my desk sadly. I hope you all had s good day. Sleep well and take care. Love Sue xx

  7. The stamp is by Inkylicious xx
