
Thursday 12 October 2023

Stunning card from Sonia

 Good Morning Ladies, 

I think that we can definitely say that the 'Indian Summer' is over!  Rain started here yesterday afternoon and continued throughout the night,  I think it's forecast to be rainy for next few days, I am grateful that we got most of the holiday washing done while it was still sunny! 

Paul has had to go into the office everyday this week which feels odd, thankfully the girls have been home on their days off, yesterday we had our haircut, popped to supermarket on the way home and that seemed to take most of the day.   I really must concentrate on the pantry and my craft room today so that 1) We can see what food we have and B) so that I can sit and make something!! 

I am with you Sonia on having no mojo, I seem to spend hours on Pinterest but nothing is appealing to me at the moment.  Maybe when I'm all organised it will return !! 

Today's I am sharing the gorgeous card that Sonia made for my Birthday, the colours are so much more vibrant in real life, those Dragonflies are the star of the show for sure, I really love the colour way too.  Thank you so much my lovely for such a lovely card XXX

I hope that you all have a great day,

Love and hugs to all of you 

Sandra xxxxxx 


  1. Yes It feels like summer is well and truly over OH packed away the garden furniture yesterday It is very dark, dismal and pouring with rain
    Such a huge shame as it’s THE wedding tomorrow Never mind it will still be a lovely day I’m in panic mode at the mo wondering if everything is in place I so want it to be a perfect day for them
    I’m having my nails done this morning and then we are going to collect my aunt to come and stay with us So no crafting today
    Beautiful card from Sonia I don’t have the dragonfly but you’ve tempted me to get those Tim Holtz background dies out
    Lovely to be able to go out with the girls Sandra
    I hope Christian and his girlfriend arrive safely today
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hello, rain here again, sun didn’t last long.
    On my own today, R away with his pals for the day, left here at 6-45am, so it’s been a long day.
    I was hoping to do some crafting, but haven’t done any yet, been looking through Pinterest for the last hour, but I’m still sitting here doing nothing.

    Hope the wedding goes really well Karen and that you all have a happy day.

    Hope you are all have a good day, Lilian.

  3. Hi everyone
    Thank you for sharing my card. I’m glad you like it….I was rather pleased with how it turned out too ☺️ xx
    I’m sure your mojo will return once you’ve got everything in place 😊
    Karen, enjoy tomorrow. You’ll all have a lovely day whatever the weather. Please share some photos with us 😊
    Maria, hope your son and girlfriend have arrived safely. Enjoy your time with them 😊
    Hope everyone is ok and having a good day
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Gorgeous birthday card from our Sonia. I love everything about it.
    Karen, hopefully the weather is behaving itself while the wedding is going on. Have a wonderful day 💖
    We are still waiting for C & J, they are on the plane as we speak but very delayed. Not keen for OH to go on his own to the airport but no room for me. Hoping they be here around midnight 😉 Had to go in the garage to find duvet and pillows for them. The box I needed was of course in the bottom of two other ones so felt like I was in a weightlifting competition 💪😂
    Hope you all have had a good day. Many hugs, Maria xx

  5. Hello Sandra and everyone
    Sonia I love the card you made for Sandra. The dragonfly’s add a lovely touch ( I had to buy this dragonfly die after seeing it on the blog)
    Karen relax and enjoy tomorrow I’m sure everything will work out fine and if the weather turns dull it gives better photos as the sunshine adds unwanted glare. XX
    Maria hope son and girlfriend arrive safely bet you can’t wait to give them a big hug, enjoy the time you will have with them. XX
    Sandra how did you get on organising the pantry and craft room? Don’t push yourself too hard. XX
    Take Care everyone, Hugs Brenda xxx
